Issue #17: Mexico is the greatest country on Earth

Day 311, 12:37 Published in Mexico China by Ragnarokz
Office of the Minister-General for Foreign Affairs, Mexico City, Mexico

My friends.

I think we all can agree that Mexico is one hell of an Awesome Country. And all we have to do is keep thinking that.

Doing anything else, and the Fascists win.

And Fascism will lead us into ruin and damnation. Just like Racism will lead us to become like Iran, a nation of petty little fools, terrified of the world that surrounds them.

Or like the Turkish despots, who even now, rally behind their corrupt leaders, who hide behind a shield of nationalism.

We must NOT allow this to happen to Glorious Mexico! So I ask of you, my friends, to stand FIRM against Foreign manipulators and interests.

Buy Local, support your Neighbour.

And remember, Mexico Prevails and the Living Saint Lidox watches over us all.

Thank you.