Issue 17 - Die Wahl: Hedera und bobbySAURON

Day 836, 10:10 Published in Austria United Kingdom by Thomas765

Issue 17 - Friday - 5th March 2010 - Day 836
Ausgabe 17 - Freitag - 5. März 2010 - Tag 836

So far these elections have been quite tense with fights breaking out between supporters of the three parties. As I write, Hedera is winning the elections, I myself have been asked and gladly accepted to be the spokesperson for his cabinet. I suppose this position I have been asked to take is a good start for me, it enters me into the world of not only politics, but eAustrian politics.

Chief Editor

Die Präsidentschaftswahlen/The Presidential Elections
Logbuch/Log Book

Results @ 14:29, eRep Time on Day 836:
Hedera, Austrian Reformist Party, 75 Votes/Wahlen
bobbySAURON, Kronloyale Union, 69 Votes/Wahlen

Hedera is 6 votes ahead of bobbySAURON in the elections, but we still have 9 and a half hours left.

Results @ 15:16, eRep Time on Day 836:
Hedera, Austrian Reformist Party, 83 Votes/Wahlen
bobbySAURON, Kronloyale Union, 70 Votes/Wahlen

Hedera is 13 votes ahead of bobbySAURON in the elections, but we still have 8 hours left.

Now onto other news:

Obviously we are distracted by the elections, so this is where we tell you what is going on in eEurope the new world.


Well, there hasn't been much news in eAustria as of lately, only a Presidential Impeachment rejection and numerous tax changes that were either approved or rejected.

Poland and Germany/Polen und Deutschland

Once again the region of Saxony-Anhalt (Sachsen-Anhalt) is being fought due to another resistance that has began. So far Saxony-Anhalt is winning the fight against Poland but there are 13 more hours left until the war finishes.


Norway has attacked the region of Nordjylland (Nordjütland), a region that was once part of Denmark and Norway. This shows the duo's dominance over southern Scandinavia or Denmark.


I am aware that some of this news is pointless but it's worth knowing.

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