Issue #16: There is nothing wrong in Mexico!

Day 299, 10:50 Published in Mexico China by Ragnarokz
Office of the Minister-General for Foreign Affairs, Mexico City, Mexico

Good citizens of the world.

As Minster-General for Foreign Affairs let me reassure you that there is nothing wrong with Mexico, we are a stable and decent nation, who wishes naught but peace and tranquillity.

We have no intentions of invading any sovereign nation, by either overt or covert methods.

The Goal of the Present Government of our magnificent nation of Mexico, is simply to ensure the happiness and prosperity of the nation.

We accept the dissenting voices and embrace their opinions into the national manifest.

We will welcome any disenfranchised and oppressed citizens to our Glorious Nation, we they well be treated with equal rights as any other citizen of Mexico.

We will not suppress population groups simply because we disagree with their ideology, we will not abuse minorities just because they don't look like us or sound like us and we shall not abuse the power the NATION has granted us.

We are from the people, for the people and we stand with the people.

Long live Mexico!