ISRP Party Presidency

Day 451, 11:26 Published in Ireland Ireland by Michael Holcomb

Madainn mhath,
My names is Michael Holcomb and I am now declaring, forgive the short notice, my candidacy for Party President of the Irish Socialist Republican Party. I run not solely to attain power, but to bring attention to the idea of creating an alliance of non aligned nations dedicated to preserving the territorial integrity of all nations in eRepublik. The idea for a Treaty to Repudiate the Unlawful Seizures of Territory, or TRUST grouping represents a continuation of the ideas of Irish Neutrality, but it does so by declaring Irish support for the structural integrity of nations. If you want a Party President who is a long time citizen of Ireland, then vote for my opponent. If you want a Party President who is a longtime member of this Party I urge to vote for my opponent. He is a fine man and if he defeats me, as I am almost sure he will, I look forward to his leadership for our Party. But if you believe in the idea of advancing a spirit of international peace and prosperity, and you’d like to give that a chance, then I ask for you to vote for me, as a message to those who hold office. Both in the party and in Ireland, that a new generation of Irish leaders stands ready to move forward in pursuit of justice, peace, and the rights of people to be secure in their homeland.
Salinte Chugat