Israel Stevens Post-Presidential Interview

Day 1,707, 22:12 Published in USA USA by portcolumbus

Better Late Than Never

This is by far the latest I have gotten an interview reply from someone. I sent a message to Israel Stevens 17 days ago with a list of questions for reply. After about a week, I figured he'd gone on vacation, which isn't a problem, and that my timing was off. I'd even forgotten about the interview until about five hours ago, when the former President himself sent me a message with the replies to the questions I sent him over two weeks ago.

So, all that being said, I debated with myself on whether or not this interview would even be current enough to try and publish, and after thinking about, I would like to, without further delay, bring you the Israel Stevens Post-Presidential Interview.


1. How did you feel your term in office went?

I think it went really well. I'm obviously biased, but I think that the massive success of Tank Up 2 Rank Up alone is something to hang my hat on. But we also expanded the USAF by creating an entirely new branch in Rogue Squadron. Plus, we gained an incredible General in Synesi, for Bootcamp. Add in the Foreign Affairs shift, and it was a very memorable term.

2. Was there anything you would have done differently looking back?

Yeah, I would have handled some of the Bootcamp and Rogue Squadron elements differently. There was a communication breakdown on multiple levels, and it lead to some confusion, some bruised egos and some ruffled feathers.

3. What do you expect from the new President, Evry?

I think Evry will do a good job. Holding the big chair isn't easy, and no matter what you do, people will dislike or even hate you. I think Evry understands that, and as long as she keeps her head up, she'll do fine.

4. What would you consider the greatest accomplishment during your term of office?

If I had filled this out on the 6th, I would have said forming a new alliance. But, it appears as if some of that has broken down. I still think it's going to happen, but in it's current state, it's not what I envisioned.
So, I'll say Tank Up 2 Rank Up. We put guns in the hands of people that needed them. we supplied between 250-300 people per day. Every single day. Molly Emma and her team, were phenomenal and I can't thank them enough.

5. Your party, the AMP, has made massive gains on the nation's top party, the USWP, in the last month. You were there first POTUS, and they just became the party with the most seats in Congress in the last Congressional elections. What do you expect from the AMP in the future?

I expect great things from the AMP. When I was PP, I preached quality over quantity. It wasn't about getting the most, it was about getting the best. I'm glad to see that that mindset has continued, with multiple AMP members in leadership positions this month. Having the most seats, is just an added bonus.

6. What made you decide not to run for a second consecutive term? Can we expect you to run for President anytime soon?

I took a 2+ week trip to Europe. I was in Italy, Croatia, Greece and Turkey. I wanted desperately to run for a 2nd term, but it wouldn't be fair to be President, and to have someone else running the show while I cruised around Europe.
Run again?
I might I suppose. Right now I'd just really like to play some Diablo 3.

7. Is there anything else you would like to say to the readers of Meet The Press, the American people, or myself?

Sorry it took me 2 weeks to get back to you. 🙂


I would of course like to say thanks to Israel Stevens for coming back from a vacation in Europe and making sure his media-related obligations were met on the homefront 🙂. It's nice to be able to do interviews with people in the politics of the nation, and since the Presidential elections cycle approaches I will be back on the hunt for people to talk to and coming up with questions to ask.

Also, don't forget that yours truly is running for Congress in the great state of Mississippi, and I of course hope everyone who has the chance comes down south and casts their ballot for me. I have a platform article out and if I get the chance I will be typing another article related to the upcoming Congressional elections. Thanks for reading this, and make sure to continue enjoying Meet The Press.

Former eUS Congressman