Israel's Post

Day 876, 16:00 Published in Israel Belgium by Justin Moore

Israel Post

Good afternoon, In recent developments within the last several hours, Tensions between Turkey and Israel have boiled over into a movement of war. Israeli troops are mobilizing and moving to the front lines of the battle at Tel aviv and at Nazareth in the North. Orders are being given and forces are moving to do battle with Turkey. Turkey and Israel have long had disagreements and troubles as both countries are part of a global struggle between good and evil forces including old alliances such as Atlantis, peace, Eden, and several others that have developed and collapsed over a period of time. Israel has longtime been an ally of the United States which has been looked upon negatively by Phoenix in which Turkey is a part of. Israel has had a leadership base that has attempted to stay neutral in the global struggle for some time now in order to portray a position that is neutral and non aggressive, always demanding that her borders not be defiled, but never venturing into enemy territory for very long at all, if any at all. This policy is viewed by many as a failed policy as Israel has been attacked by Turkey numerous times over and over with no repercussions enacted upon Turkey for their actions against the people of Israel. Israel previously joined Sol after turkey attacked a few months ago with the hope that being part of an alliance that was small, and isolated more so in the grand proxy war that has been going on for some time would deter Turkeys ambitions to attack small Israel. That policy has once again proved a failure in many eyes. It is said that this provides good experience for our soldiers and military leaders, which can be agreed upon, but can be very detrimental to our economy as having war torn regions continuously almost does not prove beneficial to the economy with the exception of the Weapons manufacturing sector as many buy weapons in hopes of defending our nation.

It appears the war drums have continued to beat over time on Turkeys side with ongoing continued aggression with not much repercussion from the Israeli side, just continued peace gestures that are ignored and overturned when beneficial to Turkey.

It is also notable that within the last 19 to 20 minutes Israel has proposed a MPP with Spain in light of this evenings events.

Israel Post thanks our troops for continued support and fighting for tiny Israel. Good luck, God be with you.