Israel's Post

Day 799, 11:26 Published in Israel Belgium by Justin Moore
Israel’s Post

1/27/2010 day 799 of the new world.

Current overall Economic situation-(opinion) Sharp Growth

Citizens- 940 -47 or more from 2 days ago
New Citizens- 10
Only 9 applications are pending

Monetary report-

To Purchase 1 gold, the standard is now 52 nis as offered by the Israel Finance Department in bulk
To Purchase 1 nis, The standard is now .02 gold as offered by The Moore Trading Company and the Israel Finance Department.

Israel Treasury Report

4742 NIS - big plus from two days ago,
16.81 GOLD = 10 gold jump up

Other Notables- Funds in other values that Israel owns.
DEM- 40.18
HUF- 45.06
IRR- 56.54
USD- 227.03

There are other accounts with money involved that are not included in the report
Any investments under 40 units is not considered notable by this press establishment.

Political Party Congressional Control

30%- UZSP
53% Sababa Party
7% The Consolidation Party
2% IWP
5% UIP

Recent Government Policy Changes
(last 5 days)

The Knesset has been extremely busy over the last five days with 8 proposals overall being brought into debate. First was a tax change on gifts proposed by lessismore. The proposal had no changes involved and was defeated by a 14 to 0 majority. The second motion was a proposal to initiate peace with Turkey for a sum of 0. The motion passed with no objection. Third was an offering to donate 3720 to the Hellenic Depository. The motion passed with only two objection votes. The next matter of importance was brought to the table concerning a continuation of the ongoing alliance with the USA. The majority ruled yes in this case as well. A tax change on food was proposed, but was a dead bill due to no changes in the tax structure. Next was a bill proposed by ofek strul to change the weapons tax. The change would have brought the VAT from 13 to 15 percent, the import from 4% to 10%, and the income from 10% to 8%. This bill was clearly a step in the right direction for manufacturing companies as this would have assited in staving off foreign imports of weapons and would have allowed their income tax to be cut. This was a close call but wad voted down by a 16 to 10 yes vote. The bill is dead. Next 2 on the agenda are tax changes for hospitals and food, with no real tax changes involved. The bills will be dead upon entry. This concludes the legislative report.


Israel is currently ranked 57th in average strength out of 60.
The Unemployment rate was not available at this time.
Israel’s GDP was ranked 25 out of 60.
Israel was ranked 42 out of 60 for number of companies with only 156 at this time.

Companies and other business

There are currently 16 companies for sale
There are now 25 job openings in eIsrael ranging in pay of 1 nis to 17 nis.

Israel’s Post Opinion Article.

Justin Moore
Consolidation Party
3 time congressional member
Born on day 462.

Today, I want to thank all three people who voted for me in the Knesset elections. I received more votes than a lot of other people and im proud of that. There comes a time when one must face the facts. The old Likud party right wing now consolidation party is facing difficulties as it struggles to find its place in the new eIsrael. We don’t have a lot to oppose anymore because the government is being ran in a way that is not a socialistic dictatorship as it once was being ran. People flocked to our party to make a stance against that tyranny many moon ago, but lack of active leadership and development in the party opened the door for new parties to form with same ideals. We don’t object to Joshua Hoss as our president, nor do we object to his views or his party as a whole either. I am announcing today that I do plan on running for the consolidation party presidency in the next election to work on rebuilding our party. As party president I will revamp the party once more, bring activity and purpose for general members. We will be strong again if that is what the membership wants. So once again, thanks to my supporters, I appreciate each and every one of you and god bless you. In the mean time I will be focusing on the monetary markets, my newspaper, and other special duties.

Interview Section.

Something to think about?

1. Name the five most wealth people in the real world

Today’s Words of Wisdom

I had faith in Israel before it was established, I have in it now. I believe it has a glorious future before it- not just another sovereign nation, but as an embodiment of the great ideals of our civilization.
Harry S. Truman

God Bless, have a great week.