Day 525, 07:45 Published in Romania Israel by Cj Will Win

Dear Romanians,

My name is Cj Will Win and I'm the General of the IDF

The IDF needs soldiers. We currently have decent numbers, but we need more. We are a one region nation surrounded by hostiles. We have allies, but with the current war everywhere environment we can't count on them to defend us.

That is why we need all the soldiers possible. Israel is a great new nation with lots of potential. If you move here, while you'll no longer be getting in on the ground floor, you'll be getting in with plenty of time for growth. I encourage anyone who is getting tired with their current situation to move here to Israel. Sign up for the IDF and help us turn this small nation into one of the worlds greatest fighting forces.

Another thing to think of is if you have any in game friends that would like to move to Israel and help make this nation strong that is always an option. In a small nation there is always room for advancement.

So in conclusion, join the IDF and bring your friends.

As always please vote and subscribe and friend request me. If you have any questions feel free to PM


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