Israel: I Believe

Day 356, 14:55 Published in USA USA by Jamarcus

I believe in a free Israel. That is why I voted for Benn Dover for President. Benn is a great military general for eAmerica. I believed Benn would understand the hardship and heartache the Israelies are going through at this crucial moment in their history. I do not love war but I know when war is neccessary I cannot fear it. War could possibly have been avoided if the Turks listened to the concerns of the Jewish people. Or if they respected Israels independence. But what did they do? Attempt to starve them to death? Erase them from the map? Strip them of their name and everthing they hold dear? When an oppressive government commits these war crimes peace is taken off the table. Resistance becomes the only option an oppressed people can take. We are no longer friends,peers, or associates. We are Brothers in Arms. Never serrender is my meesage to all those fighting for independence from Israel to Australia to Russia because we believe in your cause.

-Sincerly Jamarcus/Secretary of The US Green Party