ISP Plans for The Future

Day 758, 05:44 Published in Japan Japan by Imperial Sun Party

Dear Readers of The New Society,

Election Victory!
To those who supported me again in the party presidential elections, I thank you for the opportunity to serve you once again. For new readers who may be interested in the Imperial Sun Party, I ask that you vote and subscribe to this official newspaper of the Imperial Sun Party, The New Society.

No pretty girls waving, but we promised to keep the loudspeakers turned down this month

Congressional Elections
Congressional elections are on the 25th of December, a day when many of you will be on holiday. I encourage you all to make sure you log on and vote. Due to the reduced number of regions in eJapan (currently 12), we now have 3 winning candidates per region and four wildcard seats. Your vote could make more of a difference than ever before. Contact the Imperial Sun Party Organization with a private message and ask how.

A "Non-phallic" Symbol of eJapanese Victory!

Some Triumphalism
Rare is the event that a minor nation such as eJapan can hand the number one nation in terms of in-game population a major defeat, but on December 7th, we claimed victory in the Battle of Kyushu. The Imperial Sun Party was pleased that programs we supported helped contribute to the victory. More than 180 Q5 weapons were donated. More than dozen soldiers received wellness gifting. President Dokomo was so confident of our victory that no gold was authorized for tanking! President Jewitt described the embarrassing defeat as follows: "It is now public that Dokomo stood his ground at Kyushu to save face in the international community." Of course, other nations helped in our defense, but the margin of victory was only achieved through the increased efforts of the eJapanese community. It can now be said that eJapan helped decisively defend itself when given yet another ultimatum to "surrender Kyushu or else be invaded."

We should change faster than this!

Our Plans for Change this month

Military Affairs

We will be making some changes in the military, as described in the national forums here:

I have also proposed some additional expansions for the military that will increase our effectiveness for a modest cost. Please see my proposal in the national forums, available here:

If we wish to improve our military, it is important that we elect members of congress who will actively debate and support these proposals.

Foreign Affairs

It can be said that eJapan is in uncharter waters, diplomatically speaking. eChina appears poised to be in possession of nearly all its home regions for the first time in recent history. Only two regions currently remain under occupation. There have been rumors that eRussia is threatening to attack because of the decision to allow the eUSA to attack East Asia by retreating the Kyushu region as part of an ultimatium issued by President Dokomo after the Battle of Kyushu.

It is my hope that the Imperial Sun Party will lead eJapan into a new course of independence from the super-alliances that give rise to accusations that we are a "puppet-state" of one side or the other. Our unique geographic situation as a gateway between Asia and North America should not be used against us, and we should encourage our leadership to insist upon this.

If these look like positive goals to you, then you may wish to consider joining the Imperial Sun Party! Our party program will help contribute to a stronger eJapan that can promote the Righteous Nation Philosophy enshrined in our constitution as well as find a respected position in the international community of nations. Please be part of a stronger Japan by joining the ISP and supporting our candidates for congress!

And lastly...

New Candidate Spotlight:

Danyeo has been a long-time volunteer worker in Mugen Metalworks, a eJapanese-owned, state-supported mining operation that has provided a great deal of the iron used in the Nippon Weapons Q5 company. Iron produced at the facility in Western Siberia was regularly sold at the world's cheapest price as can be verified from the Defense Budget Statements. I hope that the citizens of eJapan will welcome Danyeo back to the home islands and send him to represent them in the halls of the Imperial Diet!

Imperial Sun Party President