ISP Party Program July 2009

Day 612, 03:26 Published in Japan Japan by Imperial Sun Party

Fellow citizens!

There is much dismay and concern, even outrage over recent world events, especially the occupation of Kyushu. Many now advocate a radical change in government, and their concerns are not unfounded. The PEACE alliance, which is dominated by Indonesia and Hungary, started a war against the United States, and currently uses our territory in Kyushu as a stepping stone. Defenders of the government's actions--and I am one of them--will claim that "we had no choice," and indeed at the time of the opening of hostilities, they were correct.

But this is not the entire story. For months, military preparation was not given priority status and government funding was embarassingly low or non-existant. In late June and early July, many elite members of the JIA resigned their positions and left Japan in protest. While some may question their loyalty, I understand their sentiments. In our neglect, the government effectively chose this course of action months ago, leaving us with no other choices (there will be a full accounting of these events including publication of the congressional debate regarding this matter at a later date).

I chose to stay in Japan and help rebuild the JIA into a potent fighting force. We may not ever be able to stand one-on-one against nations like the USA or Indonesia, but our increased fighting ability will ensure that our nation is a sought-after ally, and that we will not be carved up by conquering powers, as was the case in Germany months ago. If the Imperial Sun Party and like-minded leaders are elected, soldiers will not be told to "buy your own weapons," and Japan will never languish without wargames while the entire rest of the world fights a world war around us.

The Imperial Sun Party legislative agenda for July/August is as follows:

1. Military reorganization and funding -- We will vote on a spending bill and donation to the JIA by the end of the month so that we are ready for the resumption of wargames. As Vice Secretary of Defense, I will make sure the Congress takes action on this.

2. The creation of small state-run operations that will not crowd out privately owned companies, but will ensure that new citizens are never met with the message on the first day they are born with "there are no jobs available for you," something that is disastrous for new citizen retention.

3. Changing the new citizen message to include the SEMPAI-KOUHAI program, where citizens will be presented with a direct point of contact with another citizen who can advise them and answer questions they may have about the game and eJapan. A lot of people stop playing because they "do not meet" anyone. It is a non-partisan program that gives everyone a chance to have some immediate in-game interaction and costs eJapan nothing. We are seeking volunteers for this program, and you can read more about it in the forums here:

4. The drafting of a constitution to codify government's behavior into a set of laws. Congressman Reiji Mitsurugi will take the lead on this.

There are those who will oppose these initiatives, but they only offer more of the same. Many of them have made the mistake of thinking that "small-government" is actually "no government at all," but the fact remains that the private businessmen in Japan have not created a strong military, and do not have any plan to increase and retain the population. I ask you to oppose them and support an ISP candidate in your region on July 25th!