ISP Election Results: danyeo's WIN!

Day 1,184, 00:13 Published in Japan Japan by DankEvergreen

As my last act as ISP President, I decided to report the ISP President Elections. After logging on at around 15:00 eTime, I constantly tuned into the ISP party page to check up on the votes, from about the the time I logged on to about 22:00 eTime the votes were close with me holding the lead for most of the time by 1-2 votes. Sometime after 20:00 danyeo gained the lead with a single vote, and gaining another 3 after 22:00, but in the final hour he received another 4 votes taking the win with a 7 vote win.

Though these elections have brought nearly 30 new members, before the elections started we averaged about 65 members, but during the 7 days before the elections when candidates were releasing their papers and setting everything up in the forums we increased into the 70's worth of members. After checking the party page one last time for voting results, the ISP got up to 89 members. Hoping to keep these new members and maybe even see a few of them in the forums.

Congrats danyeo, I'm looking forward to see what you do for the ISP, and thank you to all of those that supported me in the elections, it was close but danyeo took the win and hammering it in with the final hour votes he received. I would also like to thank ALL ISP members that supported their political party and voted for the candidate they supported.

Domo-kun for eJapan!

2x Former Imperial Sun Party President
7x Minister of Culture & History