Isolationist Ireland

Day 755, 13:49 Published in Ireland Ireland by The Dagda

eDate: Day 755 of the New World

I'd like to share my view on the current "situation" in eIreland, and an idea that I thought about and I thought it might be worth sharing.

Isolationist Ireland and the Migration
It is very evident that eIreland is losing citizens at an alarming rate. This can be blamed on the wargame situation. It is simple, people are leaving because the lack of a war in eIreland. Now I can see why some of the younger players and the players who have not bounded themselves to eIreland one way or another are leaving, but it is just unacceptable that we are losing members of the Dail. Now some have suggested that we join an alliance as to offer active battles for our citizens to participate in. However, eIreland position is isolationist, with good reason. It would be illogical to join an alliance; we are small, have no enemies, and are right between the eUK and the eUS. So, I would not suggest joining an alliance.

As for staying independent, we would need 24 hour wargames. If we don't have 24 hour wargames, we lose population, its that simple. We also become almost an after thought in the grand scheme of things in eRepublik. It would ideal to be in a position where we are not upsetting our neighbors, but also playing a stronger role in the politics of the New World.

My idea? When I first thought of this I found it almost comical, but it grew on me. However, I'm still not confident in its practicality. I just thought it could be interesting to share and find out what you think.

Irish Mercenaries?
That's right mercenaries. If we opened up a mercenary branch of the IDF, we could take part in the worlds conflicts without direct threat. The concept is that nations pay eIreland to ship eIrish soldiers to fight for the paying nation. I believe that not only could eIreland rake in some money but also some new citizens. I know that there are people out there in the New World who are not attached to their nations and would love being mercenaries. It could be a great opportunity to build eIreland up as a power in the New World.

Now to discuss some problems with this concept.
Management: It would be very difficult to send too many soldiers to other nations, and handle the money. It would take a lot of people working hard to make it work.

Manpower: It could be difficult to find enough people willing to be constantly moving and fighting for any old country. If we can only find 20 people, countries may not be interested in the investment.

Threat: there are several instances in which we may be attacked under this plan. One example would be a nation hiring a lot of mercenaries and then declaring war with us, as our mercenaries could not move back home to help defend. Another would be a nation attacking us as a strategic approach, to avoid enemies hiring our mercenaries.

Again, this is only meant to get you thinking. It is a controversial idea, and quite unorthodox at that. I hope you enjoyed it. Thanks for reading.