Is your congressman representing you?

Day 477, 16:35 Published in USA USA by Muljo Gobet

With so many crazy things going on at once, tempers have been flying, and the insults are coming from every direction. This is exactly the time when you NEED to know how your congressman is voting, so without further ado, my record.

Tax Change: Moving tickets No/approved
Donate 29,233 GRD Yes/approved
Tax Change: House No/approved
Tax Change: Wood* Yes/approved
Donate 1,117 CHF Yes/approved
Peace Proposal w/Portugal** No/rejected
Tax Change: Hospital No/approved
Donate 1,308 IEP Yes/approved
Tax Change: Defense System No/approved
Donate 495 HRK Yes/approved
Donate 80,000 USD Yes/approved
Peace Proposal w/Portugal Yes/approved
Buy Constructions: quality 4,
Standard & Poor's DS's company,
8000 USD,
Massachusetts: Yes/approved
Donate 460 RUB Yes/approved
Donate 60,000 USD Yes/approved
MPP w/Finland Yes/approved
Donate 606 Gold Yes/will be approved

* I voted yes because the old income tax was at 20% and the new one wasn’t getting raised. The only tax that was affect was an increase in the import tax.
** I voted no to this due to Uncle Sams’ words. “I have proposed peace with Portugal because I needed to test out a bug issue with other types of presidential proposals. for more information, please see this forum topic please understand that this is not a Congressional supported proposal and should not be voted as approved. I apologize for this inconvenience and hope that my other proposal issues are resolved.”

Looking back it looks like voting no to Portugal was a big mistake. Who knows how Portugal would have voted back then. Things could be different or they could not. Either way there isn’t anything we can do to change it now. As to my position on Atlantis: I haven’t been a fan of Atlantis. I’ve been pushing for a third alliance ever since I heard they wanted money from us. Nothing is really happening with that now. Hopefully this mess with Atlantis will kick everyone into gear and do something about this. We NEVER should have paid the gold unless Romania and Spain paid up first. I also think it was a bad move by Sam to go ahead and pay while the American public obviously didn't want to. We should have sat back and watched what happened before any action was taken. However, Atlantis can still be very helpful to us atm. Remember 7 countries voted to NOT enforce the penalty. As far as I’m concerned we only have a beef with the other two who did.

As always I want to hear from you. If you want to know the reason why I voted a certain way feel free to ask. Let me know if you feel if I’m truly representing you or not.

Senator from the great state of North Carolina

God Bless eAmerica!