Is Unity The Right Euphemism?

Day 2,021, 15:10 Published in USA Canada by Greene12

It can't be denied that these month's Unity elections have gone horribly wrong. Some folks might be happy with how this is going but I'm not sure why they would be. Some of the more delightful issues this month:

1. AMP doesn't have an in-game endorsement to offer. I have complete confidence that they'll do their utmost to move votes to the American candidate for POTUS, but but no matter how you want to spin it, this isn't good for ATO.

2. Candidates had some serious miscommunication problems with the WTP concerning the time of length their primary takes. Candidates were first told that the WTP Primary lasted 48 hours, and started on May 30, which would mean it should close on June 1. However, the WTP primary was still going today, on June 2nd.

[15:03:46] No JoeLansing. We didn't start on May 30th, we start at 21:00 May 3oth
[15:03:49] *30th
[15:04:03] And there's where you're right <_ all forgot may had a>

So, a lot of confusion here. I'll take Hale's word though that it was an honest mistake. Unfortunately, its an honest mistake that makes Unity appear even more contorted.

3. 6th Parties almost got to actually vote this time. I don't believe the 6th party vote has ever been counted. Reportedly, WTP was going to close its primary in favor of paul had it closed after 48 hours, meaning a tie in the top 4 parties and a vote for the collective 6th parties. The process for tabulating the 6ther vote was in motion. However, it now appears that Tenshibo will win the WTP primary, so 6th parties wont be getting that vote after all.

I bet they were pretty excited about the prospect.

4. The popular vote and the Unity vote do not line up this month. Paul Proteus won the popular vote with 151 votes to Tenshibo's 68. Thats not gonna leave the most people feeling happy.

Unity has always been in the name of ATO and collaborative effort, with a lot of jingoism thrown in. Unity has been going on for a very long time and we now have a lot of players who have never experienced a real election. Unity has not ended the PTO. This month is a perfect example of how all the patriotic talk has done nothing to draw us closer together as a nation.

Perhaps the invisible hand of in-game elections really is the best way for Americans to cooperate. I'd predict that at least a good half of the electorate won't consider the next POTUS to be legitimate, and thats the real shame. Paul Proteus and Tenshibo deserve more, along with every American in the game.

In the mean time, we've done a lot to corroborate RGR's narrative on Unity elections. Whatever we do next month, it cannot be this.