Is this really OK?

Day 1,418, 01:50 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by stockyrocky310597

Yes I know it's a bit after the election but I think this needs to be brought to light. During the elections, a message was send to ESO Members:

"Hello there, I'm contacting you today because you happen to be in ESO. We in The Unity Party, respect the work of ESO, and are pleased that we can count it's members among our friends. However today, we ask you to honour that friendship. A great member of the eUK commuinty (Daeres) has run under an ESO banner, for the role of country president. Unfortunately for him, he now has no chance of winning as the vote's for the two other main candidates are just too high. Therefore, out of respect to Daeres, we are asking ESO members to vote for Temujin94 (An awesome candidate, who has not only shown himself to be active, friendly and helpful, but has promised to see us conquer the Irish again!) who has promised that if he is elected, he will make Daeres his Deputy Prime Minister, giving him the level of responsibility we feel he is more than able fulfil! Please, remember a vote for Temujin94, is a vote for the good goverance of the eUK, and for a month of fun!


Custard Cream"

Right, is this really OK? Trying to turn voters to them behind our backs! They also did not consult our party leadership to see if this was ok, and claiming it was out of "respect" for Daeres. A response I got from someone on this topic was "This is out of order. I called them on it and they profusely apologized and said that it wasn't 'our fault because it was a message that was written hastily by jimbojoy and not temujin himself' (which is garbage obviously)"

So, is this really ok?