Is South Korea a Democracy?

Day 846, 16:02 Published in South Korea South Korea by Breton Boy

In a Democracy anyone is allowed to form their own party and run in fair elections.

In a Democracy it shouldn't matter where you came from, or who your father is. If you are a citizen, you are a citizen.

In a Democracy every citizen has the right to assembly and free association.

In a Democracy you are innocent of a crime until proven without a reasonable doubt to be guilty. Guilt by association is considered collective punishment and a crime against humanity.

In South Korea Goons are NOT allowed to form their own democratic parties.

In South Korea Goons face rampant persecution based on nothing other then their origin.

In South Korea people who associate with Goons are called out and shunned.

In South Korea all Goons are considered 'Evil PTOers' despite us being a very diverse group whom have never claimed to want to PTO anyone.

South Korea must not really be a democracy, and for that I am truly sad. How can you claim to be free from Theocratic dictatorship when you all act just as bad by trying to set up an Apartheid government?

I am Breton Boy and I long for a truly DEMOCRATIC Korea.