Is Something Being Missed?

Day 401, 11:14 Published in USA USA by Maxmillian VonWillebrand

With all the talk or rather I should say SCREAMING and YELLING, not to mention the finger pointing across the nation. Something seems to have been missed, but if you ask many citizens they will say nothing has been missed, except the chance to attack our enemy. You may ask yourself “What’s this guy talking about?” The truth I am referring to is this – And we’ve all heard it many, many times.

And that is...

Getting the Noobs more involved, or rather to come back more than a few days then disappearing to let their citizen die a slow and agonizing death! When I first started I was so BORED with the lack of play that I FORGOT to come back for several days! I only came back as an afterthought one day as I was going through my emails and found the confirmation letter. I bet everyone here has gone through this same underwhelming feeling of boredom from the game play here in your first few days.

I have a somewhat UNORTHODOX idea regarding this, what do you think about creating a Noob Country. This country would be a place for the newly minted citizens to get a hang of some of the works here, but without some of the growing pains they are having right now. Like the wages are too low to afford any food! And forget about fighting, can't afford to do that either.

This would solve a few problems we have now, like not inflating a country's population and wasting a company’s resources just because people never return and they die. People will still die off, but not is such useless numbers that are here now!

Thank you for your time…

Zagarius, Lead Investigator