Is platoon 2 still there?

Day 421, 14:39 Published in USA USA by sukoidha

There is a military forum and i have asked people to join and become active in it a long time now and i hope some of you are listening.
Now you have even more of a reason to join because from now on "military orders" will be posted in the classified military section and unless you make a post saying that you confirm whats going on then you wont receive weapons or moving tickets.

I will be talking to Eugene about this so do not think that i am not serious. If you a tank for the marines.... then why don't you prove that you are with your high activity as well?

I know its harsh but necessary, i have been asking people to join for a very long time now so that they can realize the importance of this forum for the marines.

You get updated on information which only marines can see, you ge more involved with the military set up, we take in your ideas, we work on them, we expand them but if my platoon doesn't bother to join up then whats the point of the forum being there!!!!

People are asking where are platoon 2, that's how well known we were throughout the eUS Army, yet we have someone from Platoon 1 saying, "where are platoon 2, i don't here them sounding off".
I could hear the laughter and sarcasm in his voice and wish for all you to wipe it off.

This forum is a privilege and it should be considered as one, not as a chore.

If you don't want to sign up to the forum then fine, become freelance, pay for everything yourself and fight wherever you want. Sure it sounds great, "yay i get to fight all the time and become a Field Marshall very quickly"........... NOOOO it doesn't just happen like that.
Its a very lonely and difficult road and unless your made of money and you don't mind buy a gold package every week, then i would like you to join the forum, make some friends.

Even get spotted by some of the higher officers as some who has potential and make your way up the military officer ranks. The marines are a fast growing community now and we are going to need some new officers to take over platoons in the new companies which will be forming.

Company B Platoon to used to be the best platoon EVER, with no question of a doubt. High Strength, High activity, Very fast to respond to pm's. Always replied to the pay call within 6 hours of me sending it out. Now everything is in disarray, i haven't heard from people in a while, low activity and i only have 3 members from the platoon on the forum. Apart from our strength, we are the worst platoon now.... that i can honestly say and it saddens me. It won't take long to turn it around though, join up to the forum, get to know people, make a few posts, share your ideas and fight. What more can a marine ask for?

We are the Dog Soldiers and its time we proved our worth to the eUSMC!!!!


We can do this platoon 2, lets prove to everyone in the Marine Corps, why we are and always will be the best unit that has EVER EXISTED!!!!!!

So start by commenting a war cry and let me know that the fire within all of you is still alive.


Semper Fi