Is life as we know it on ERepublik over?

Day 330, 08:59 Published in Canada Canada by emilio sanchez

Hello fellow citizens.
Is life on ERepublik over I ask. Well judging by the 'dead' activity on the news, that is a big sign I think. In Beta, everyday I logged on there was article after article. I don't mean useless articles like spam etc. But there were quit a few good articles talking about everything related to ERepublik. Now I log on and I can actually count 20 articles that have been created in the last 2-3 days. Before 20 articles would have been written in an a few hours.
The only 'real' activity you see now is on the Erep' forums talking about all the problems related to V1. Yes V1, the thing we've all been patiently waiting for, and was promised it would be the best thing since ice cream. (Well maybe not, but the admin did say it was going to be great.)
Now if I remember correctly there was a testing period... Now I thought a 'testing' period was so bugs and kinks could be discovered and worked out? Obviously those bugs and kinks were either ignored or they just didn't realise how bad they were. Well now the admin is paying for it. We have citizens dropping like flies and protests to bring Beta back. Something which will not happen. But with the official release of V1 on the 21st... The admin had better get their act together and fix this massive problem.
There are many many problems with V1 as I'm sure everyone knows. Like companies having losses because they are not getting paid for products they sell, or how everything costs gold now (even changing an avatar pic costs gold.) Or the insane load times, that even people with fast Internet connections have to wait. So you can imagine slow Internet connections and what that would be like. But there are also some nice features that are being wasted because people cannot find them or they do not understand them. We received no instructions on what we could do or how to use new features. So now, citizens that have been here since the beginning of Beta, find themselves utterly lost. We are living in a world of noobs 🙂
In an article released by the admin a few hours ago, they revealed that they at least know there is a problem, and are working on solutions... But how many of those 'problems' they will fix... only time will tell.
If your like me, then you hate it when someone has a great thing going (Like Beta) and then they 'try' to upgrade it, but all they do is ruin it. I have been on so many sites where everything was going great. But then one day the admin decide to upgrade the site by changing layouts or functions etc. But everything sucks, so then everyone leaves. I fear this will happen with ERepublik. As time goes on we will see less and less activity and then one day you log on and everything is 'dead'. Unless the admin do something now to fix problems and bugs etc. etc. etc.
Thank you for reading if you read it all 🙂
Sorry for the length, but I had to get everything out.