Is It that time already? My run for mayor of Halifax

Day 298, 14:14 Published in Canada Canada by emilio sanchez
Hello fellow citizens of eCanada and Halifax.

I can't believe a month is almost over, and the local elections are coming up. I was going to wait till I posted this but with everyone else announcing I suppose it's my turn.

My run for mayor of Halifax.

For those of you that do not know me. My name is Emilio Sanchez and I am the current mayor of Halifax. The best city in eCanada 😉
I am also a proud member of the CHAOS party.

In my first term as mayor, I was the second mayor (after jbdivinus) to adopt (and most successful) incentives to help boost Halifax to what it is now. I have more than doubled the population and turned Halifax into one of, if not the fastest growing cities in eCanada for my first term. I have also lowered taxes for housing and businesses to 0%. They were previously 100% set by the mayor before me.

I have been true to all of my incentives and have been giving out gifts to many citizens, using most of my CAD (including my winnings from the Charlottetown lottery.) Previous incentives posted here: [a url=]What can Halifax do for you[/a]

I have been told to expect a few new companies when the new version of Erepublik is released thanks to my incentives for businesses. (V1)

I am currently in the process of acquiring a new Q1 hospital… Which is in the works, so expect it in a little while.

Plus I have done many other great things for our great city and country, and all in just 1 term. Imagine what my second term would be like.

Other roles

I am an active member in the eCanada forums and a congressman. I am always looking out for the citizens first, as can be read in articles where I have posted my thoughts about companies giving lower wages and such, and also with all the new sub-forums coming out, how hard it would be for new citizens to keep up. Now thankfully a Canadian super site is in the works, which will combine everything into one easy site.

You can always count on me to fight for your needs, and from my generosity which I do not like to talk about, because I feel as a member of government (mayor) I have an obligation to put others needs ahead of mine. Because of my generosity… More citizens have more of my CAD than I do 😉

So why elect someone new who you don’t know, and don’t know what kind of job they will do, when if you re-elect me as mayor, you know I will stay true to my word and do as I promise.

My thoughts on a lottery system.

I will not implement a lottery because I feel that there are enough of them and more will just be a nuisance. Plus while they do provide wealth to those lucky enough to win, the cities conducting the lottery will use up the money fast, which makes it pointless.

Plus I do not feel that giving 1 winner the whole prize of 80 CAD or whatever it may be, is fair. I would rather give 8 people 10 CAD, so that it will help more people out and be of a larger benefit, plus help our economy more because 1 winner may just buy 5 food items etc. But If 8 people buy 5 food items, it will be better sales for the companies.

So I am looking out for citizens and companies, without giving more benefit to one or the other.

Conclusion and second term

I will continue to offer my previous incentives (listed below) as well as introduce new ones which will be detailed later on. I will continue to build friendships with everyone and encourage citizens to send me any ideas they may have and we can work to improve Halifax even more.

I will never promise something that I cannot keep, and will always put you, the citizen first. Isn’t that what you want in a mayor? Or any government official.

I have enjoyed my first term as mayor and want to say good luck to everyone else running for mayor.


Mayor of Halifax: [a url=]Emilio Sanchez[/a]
Previous incentives: [a url=]What can Halifax do for you[/a]
City of Halifax: [a url=]City of Halifax[/a]
CHAOS party: [a url=]CHAOS[/a]
President of eCanada: [a url=]Cottus Arci[/a]
Canadian forums: [a url=]eCanadian forums[/a]

Thank you for reading and have a great day.