Is it eIreland or is it everywhere?

Day 1,886, 05:32 Published in Ireland Ireland by asecondchance

When I started in October I joined eIreland because of my RL family tree even though I do not live in Ireland in RL. When I joined there was just the robbery and a large amount of drama that followed in October and November. In December, Psycho became CP and we had some distractions like TW’s and Alliance changes to calm the drama but now it has returned with the constant and ignorant insults, bashings and bullying that has been in our media and constant in the Shout boxes.

So as I have only lived here, is it eIreland that is just filled with total jackasses that have not matured enough to get this is a game and need to learn to simmer down and have fun and not cause drama or is this everywhere? Do all eNations have these issues? The few (but loudest) crybabies pointing fingers and insults at anyone who they see as a threat to their own success ignoring really the success of the eNation in general?

Again this is more of a question to understand for me, and new nations… is the grass greener in other eNations or is it all crap out there?

If it is just eIreland, how can we fix it? It is exhausting…

Can the people who feel like they have balls in our eWorld because they hide behind a monitor simmer down and try to treat people here with the same civility that they would be treated in RL? Is this too much to ask?