Irish War & Congress

Day 2,156, 10:22 Published in United Kingdom Canada by Wes Lewis

Me as I narrate this article for you readers

Evening Gents,

I felt like this latest debacle with the Irish NE warranted some kind of article to give the people an explanation. Since this war originated solely within Congress, I feel it is Congress's responsibility to explain the reasoning behind the declaration, our invasion preparations, and our "war goals" for peace. Regrettably, this article explains none of these variables because, Congress made absolutely no preparations for this War. Consequently this put us in a fairly precarious situation that opponents of Boh's government and his political party are attempting to place blame where it isn't deserved. So what did happen? Great question and it will be argued by Wayne and friends all month.

The "Unattractive Beige Colour" seems to be expanding

First let me say, Ireland is and always has been a very passionate subject within this country, as this war now shows, we don't care to attack them at a whim. Even if it is at the whim of a Congressman's unapproved proposal and militarily has very few possible benefits for us. However, several individuals will say the war on Ireland had been "discussed and planned" for some time, most recently in an article that I must say making things sound so simple. The article as it appears was the only proposed reasoning for the war, and is the only discussion and/or planning done outside of brief debate within the Congressional Messages.

Colleagues and I as we clicked yes on the war proposal

So as the facts materialize, myself and twenty five other Congressmen blindly approved a proposal with little discussion and no preparation. As game mechanics suggest and some people will argue we should and do hold the power to handle warfare. But I argue and history supports that it is the Executive branch that should guide our hands in these affairs. Now thanks to our disorganization, it is up to the President and his team to turn Congress's lapse in judgement into something salvageable. I wish him luck in this endeavor and apologize to the nation for Congress's disarray.

Thanks for reading,