Irish Union Party: Party President Announcement

Day 543, 06:02 Published in Ireland Australia by Severin Organization

First of all much thanks to all those who voted for me. Quite frankly I didn't expect as much votes as I received and I am humbled by the result to say the least. My condolences to Vyse however I am sure the two of us can work as one for the benefit of the entire party, after all we are all in this together. I plan to continue the progress made in my last term and with your support I plan to make the Irish Union Party an even greater party. Now, down to business.

Party Forum
Last month myself and Nith set up a new party forum, this month I want to see it become very active. As an incentive to get people writing there will be a modest prize of five gold for the person with the most posts by the end of the next week (Sunday, the 24th of May). I would like to thank Vyse for getting the ball rolling and for his help in getting people on the forum. The party forum can be found here:

New Improvements
Vyse has made numerous suggestions to improve the party and needless to say we'll need volunteers to implement them. The volunteers in question will be keeping track of new members of the party, welcoming them and sending out links to the forum. Furthermore, we are looking for experienced members, to volunteer as mentors. If you would like to contribute your time to the party please pm me, it would be greatly appreciated.

Updated Party Wiki Page
I finally got my eRepublik wikipedia account yesterday and have already began updating the party page. I still have some work to do on it however and it should be fully updated soon. If there is anything in particular you want to add to it please contact me. The page itself can be foun😛 here.

Upcoming Congress Elections
While the Congress Elections are not for another while it would be a good idea to put your name down for Congress now. I want to find out soon how much people are running and where so that as much people as possible get a chance to run. I am almost certain we will have too much people running and thus, we may implement some sort of primary election on the forum to select who goes forward. As you can see it is imperative you join the party forum soon.

Make Your Voice Heard!
Last term I pmed every member and welcomed many new members to the party. I eventually stopped as I couldn't keep track of the growing list due to other commitments, quite frankly it is a very difficult for one person to keep track of 185+ members... Thus, as stated above we need volunteers. That said if any member needs help with something or have any suggestions or inquiries, please contact me, I can pretty much guarantee a reply. The party forum is the best place to make your voice heard and who knows, you might make a friend or two. I've said time and time again, the Irish Union Party will never become a party where its members are just another number.

Go raibh míle maith agat as do am is aire,
Neart le Chéile,