Irish Union Party: General Election Manifesto September 2008

Day 313, 11:55 Published in Ireland Ireland by Igor Thunderbrow

General Election Manifesto
September 2008

Irish Union Party
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The Irish Union Party would like to use this opportunity to express its plans for a better eIreland. As party president, I hope to show you why you should vote for the Irish Union Party for congress and why you should vote for myself, Igor Thunderbrow as president of our fine nation. Before I get into the issues I feel that I should introduce you to our party.

The Irish Union Party is full of members dedicated to helping to build a better country for all of us. I tell you this, none of us are in this for the good of anyone or anything except our great country. We are committed to upholding the highest standards of integrity and accountability in office. The Irish Union Party are a party that you can trust.

While we are reasonably happy with the job that is being done by the current government in the aftermath of Victor's departure, we feel that we coulc accomplish much much more. Our members are much more active than any other party, despite have just over half the member count of Ireland First, we actually received more votes than the party that is currently in power.

While we adknowledge that the actions of the Ireland Reborn government seriously hampered short term growth in eIreland, we believe that more could be done that is currently. One of our major priorities is to stimulate the growth of eIreland's economy, military and active population.

Now with the threat of Ireland Reborn seriously lessened and with the new leadership and new structure of our party I feel that now is the opportune time for us to help eIreland to the best of our ability. In what capacity we do this, it is up to you, the electorate.
While we can do the most good in government, no matter where we are after the election results come out, you have our promise that we will do what is best for eIreland.

Yours sincerely,
Igor Thunderbrow
Party President of the Irish Union Party


The Irish Union Party is dedicated to providing the public with public representatives of the utmost integrity who are entirely accountable to the people of eIreland.

Our congressmen will be active and vote with your interests at heart. They will not be considering what they will get out of any proposal but rather; whether or not it will prove beneficial to the eIrish public.

At a local level I feel that we have shown the ability to run regions well and efficiently. In both Dublin and Cork, our mayors have taken the initiative on many schemes and are working for the great benefit of the citizens of those regions. These mayors have also emphasised our commitment to cooperating with the other parties as we feel that it is through cooperation that eIreland can truly advance.


The Irish Union Party believe that it is every citizen's right to be able to afford food suitable to their needs and eventually to a house. To this end we are committed to ensuring that we never again enter a period of Food shortages as occurred under Victor's reign.

We also wish to subsidise create a heavily subsidised state mortgage scheme to fulfill every citizen's housing needs. Our aim is to have all active citizens who have been around for longer than a month to possess a house by the end of our first term in government. To help further this aim we will also provide tax rebates to companies who sign up for this scheme.

The Irish Union Party is also deeply concerned with the current exploitation of many workers and of consumers by companies. It is our plan to publish a list of guideline wage structures and prices for each industry. While we will not enforce these we feel that consumers and workers will have a better idea of a product's worth before they purchase and workers will know if they are being offered a decent wage or not. It will also help new companies know what wages and prices to set when the start up.

While we know that hospitals are of no current use, we feel that with the reintroduction of the war module in V1, all regions need to have a hospital. To cover the massive costs of this project, the Irish Union Party propose a government endorsed bonds system whereby any citizen can invest money to help build the hospitals and in return will receive a guaranteed return over the next three months.

The advent of V1 and the creation of the raw materials industries holds many opportunities for eIreland. We believe that we should supplement our raw materials through the signing of trade agreements to allow for the cheap importation of raw materials. We also feel that the government should support Irish companies set up abroad to export raw materials to eIreland that we do not already possess.

To further transperancy and accountabilty of government, we will publish a budget at the end of the governmental term whereby we will show the taxpayer where their money is being spent.


The Irish Union Party believe in the equality of all and wish to promote unity between all eIrish. We believe that through working together we can achieve great things.

One of our priorities is to pass the Irish Constitution into Irish legislature in our first term. While there are a few committed congressmen who are assisting as best they can, many are not pulling their weight when it comes to the constitution. We will make this one of our top priorities for the first few weeks of government.

After seeing the success of Gift schemes in the regions with IUP mayors, we have decided to help all mayors who decide to do a similar scheme in their regions. An Irish Union Party led government will financially aid such schemes and ensure that one is in operation in every region of the country.

The Irish Union Party also believe that communication between public representatives and the general public is crucial in the running of the country. Too often public representative shy away from the public and do their own thing. We, in the Irish Union Party, want to make such politicians characters of history. For as a party we are all committed to actively communicating with the public. We will ensure an active presence on the IRC channel and the eIreland forum.
I also wish to reiterate that the Irish Union Party representatives are more than willing to help anyone who need it. If you ever have any questions then please do not hesitate to ask myself or any IUP official.


The Irish Union Party and myself have long advocated an Alliance neutral stance on our part. We believe that our best interests are served by remaining outside of either PEACE or ATLANTIS. It is our view that our military decisions and overall foreign policy should be decided by our own decisions and on a case by case basis rather than a loyalty to an alliance.

Of course we realise that all our neighbours are ATLANTIS members. However we maintain great relations with them. The Irish Union Party advocate the signing of military pacts with our neighbours and promotes strong international relations with these countries. We also believe that we should seek alliances with many of our continental brothers. We believe this to be essential in keeping eIreland safe.

The Irish Union Party is at present unsatisfied with the IDF. We feel that it could be better organised and its members given defined roles. At the moment members sign up but are told nothing for weeks after. The IDF should be more involving if we are to fulfill our aim of creating an armed forces to rival any other and ensure eIrish safety.

We also feel that both daily training and involvement in the IDP should be encouraged. The Irish Union Party proposes that the government provide funding to help cover the costs of daily training as we adknowledge that the cost of high quality food is difficult for new players to cover. This will be a lump sum given on the reaching of a new skill level. We hope that this plan will be coordinated by the regional IDF coordinators.