Irish Union Party Congress Manifesto

Day 550, 16:42 Published in Ireland Australia by Severin Organization
Irish Union Party Candidates:
In the interest of informing voters on those who are running under the IUP banner I will give a brief description of them here and links to those with manifestos. I have already contacted every Irish Union Party candidate and will promote accountability, activity and accessibility from all those running.

As you can see we have many candidates running, both young and old, from across the political spectrum. The Irish Union Party firmly believes in 'Strength through Unity' (Neart le Chéíle) and we believe cooperation and consensus driven policies are the only way forward. That said, we also believe the eIrish electorate should be offered a wide range of choice and that is exactly what you are getting here. I hope you take the time to considering each IUP candidate running in your region. If you want to find out more about a certain candidate I suggest you contact the candidate in question.

Severin – Current Party President, Congressman and Tániste seeking re-election to Congress.
Highonsnow – A loyal, dedicated member seeking to improve the eIrish military and economy. Link to presentation.
Tearlach O'Braonain – An active young and upcoming member of the party
ian arbuckle – A very active member who has both eIreland's and Dublin's best interests at heart.
Link to presentation.
johnthemany – One of the party's most experienced members who also has Congress experience.
Aelfred – A dedicated member of the party who is seeking a chance to serve the people of Dublin for the first time. Link to presentation.

Cork and Kerry:
cora mcstrap – One of the party's more experienced candidates who has served in Congress many times.
elementor – An active and very dedicated member who wants to give you a voice in Congress. Link to presentation.
Stephen Kelleher – Another young and active member of the party.
enoofu – An experienced and active member who was formerly a member of FF.
Padraig Pearse – An upcoming loyal member of the party seeking his first term in Congress. Link to presentation.
Donnacha Tynan – Another upcoming, active and accessible member of the party. Link to presentation.

The Northest:
bakagaijin – An experienced Congressman and accomplished businessman who would like to foster economic growth in eIreland.
05637716 – A hard working, active member of the party who is seeking his first term in Congress. Link to presentation.
James Campbell – A disloyal, outspoken member of the party with Congress experience. Link to presentation.
patton - A soft spoken, mild mannered, active candidate and beloved MoFI.
Frommfilm – Another upcoming, loyal active member of the party seeking your vote. Link to presentation.

The Shannon:
Charles McArthur – Young and dedicated member of the party seeking first term in Congress.
pj quigley – Another young and active member seeking election to Congress.
FarciTibo – A longtime active and loyal member of the party.
gordongekko – An experienced and outspoken member seeking your vote.
crcr – Both an approachable and active member with Congress experience.
Undisputed77 – A young and upcoming loyal member of the party.

The Northwest
Eamon de Valera – A hard working loyal member who has plenty of Congress experience and is the current MoFA. Link to presentation.
Vyse – Founder of the party who has a lot of experience and hopes once again to serve the people of the Northwest. Link to presentation.
sean curtin – An enthusiastic young, loyal member of the party seeking your vote.
Dmck2b – A dedicated and active member seeking re-election. Link to presentation.
Delphinian- Another upcoming, active member who is seeking re-election.

The Southest
Paddy O'Fucyou – An experienced and active member seeking re-election to Congress.
Richard Winters – A devoted upcoming member who is seeking to represent the people of the Southest. Link to presentation.
jcrotty – Another young and active member of the party.
uaithne – An esteemed and experienced Congresswoman and proud, active member of the party. Link to presentation.
Cumara – Young and loyal member of the party seeking to serve the people of the Southest.
pdiddy – Our esteemed MoH and respected, active member of the party with plenty of Congress experience. Link to presentation.

On The Issues:
I cannot of course speak on behalf of all running (as many members have different opinions and ideas) however this is the general party line (some of which has been taking from the party manifesto).

eIreland's population have grown recently and we should continue to offer incentives for people to stay in our fair Isle. This can be done be ensuring good wages, war games, government, health care, defense, organization and so on. As I mentioned above we strongly believe in cooperation and consensus driven policies. From a practical point of view it is impossible to implement one ideology in full, in eRepublik. The Irish Union Party has always embraced people from all ideologies and believing one ideology is superior to another is naive and prevents innovation.There is no need for esteemed politicians to dispute with each other (after all, most want the same thing just said in a different way). We should acknowledge the merits of all politicians and should work together for the benefit of eIreland and not any self vested interest. We will, of course, debate and disagree however we should never divide and fight.

Consensus driven government has proven to be effective in the past and we should continue to embrace this. Ministerial should always be given out based on merit and not any political affiliation. Last month, I said we would like to see a weekly budget released and this has yet to become a reality. In order for it to become a reality there would will need to be complete ongoing cooperation between the all members in the administration. As some of you might notice this has proven to be difficult in recent times. I have already pressed the need for politicians to work together and hopefully we should see a weekly budget in the very near future (afterall, people deserve to know where their taxes are going).

Foreign Policy
eIreland should always talk and engage with other nations in the interest of gathering intelligence, securing our defense and fostering good relations abroad. We should constantly put ourself out there in an assertive but reserved manner offering sound and fair taught on recent events and developments. I recently set up a forum for an international conference hosted by eIreland and discussions on it are starting to bear some fruits. We currently don't have any active alliance and neutrality is something many eIrishmen hold dear. Before we join any an alliance we should carefully consider the implications and we should bind out time without interference from any ulterior forces. The alliance in question should respect what we stand for and the ideals we have long established. We firmly support War Games and Nithraldur has done a great job in implementing and organizing them with the United States and Canada. War Games increase the military ranks and experience of our citizens as well as boost our economies productivity, the people’s general wellness level and might even attract more people.

The Irish Union Party realizes the importance of State Companies and recognizes its role to provide a decent wage and necessary training for our younger citizens. At the moment there is nothing seriously wrong with State Companies however that does not mean we can simply lay back. Many members of the Irish Union Party have suggested different reforms to State Companies and we should constantly seek new ways to improve upon the current situation. This may include selling stock abroad (something which has been voted for but never truly implemented). Furthermore, we believe small businesses in eIreland should be encouraged and perhaps the government should work with and subsidize potential successful companies. Housing is another issue some of our members have brought up and while this is promised time and time again we believe more houses should be availible for our citizens. This would improve eIreland's wellness which would in turn increase production. In regard to inflation, as we have said before, there is no quick fix to the problem and the government simply cannot intervene. Instead, we should combine our intellect and come up with innovative ways to tackle the inflation in eIreland.

It is imperative to our defense that the IDF remain organized at all times. Furthermore, Q1 weapons should be constantly distributed among our soldiers during war games. There were discussions regarding the IDF being spent abroad many times in the past but these discussions always amounted to nothing. eIreland should not only promise to protect smaller nations however we should ensure we have an organized force ready to go at any call to ensure these promises are kept. Also, we should sell our weapons to developing countries at fair price. We are a freedom loving countries and should seek to spread this ideal to other countries in eRepublik. In regard to our own defense, we should consider upgrading our hospital in Dublin to a Q5 hospital and should perhaps consider developing another Q4 hospital in another region.

Go raibh míle maith agat as do am is aire,
Neart le Chéile,
Severin, Irish Union Party President.