Irish UNION Party

Day 295, 14:31 Published in Ireland Ireland by Igor Thunderbrow

A dhaoine uaisle,

There has been a lot a friction in the last hour or so between opposing camps in the IUP party elections. I want to inform you that I was involved in no foul play and also that I believe that claims that patton has cheated are also ridiculous.

Anyway, I am writing this to ensure that the IUP is not split after this election. We are the UNION party after all and should be united. No matter who is elected party president today I will cooperate fully with patton. I have thye utmost respect for the man and I do not wish this election to come between us.

I hope that patton thinks along the same lines.

Yours do cháirde,
Igor Thunderbrow

PS Please do not post any comments here meant to insult anyone, it looks bad for everyone involved.