Irish Cabinet February 2009 (UPDATE!!)

Day 446, 06:50 Published in Ireland Ireland by Nithraldur


Here is the list of the new Irish Cabinet for February 2009. As an update, the Position of Tánaiste has been filled by Ciaran CheXavier!

Taoiseach - Nithraldur
Tánaiste - Ciaran CheXavier
Minister for Newborn Citizens - Uaithne
Minister for Wellness - JaMat
Minister of Health - 5n4keyes
Minister of Finance - Inquitus
Minister of Defense - Igor Thunderbrow
Minister of Foreign Affairs - Michael Collins
Minister of Immigration and Recruitment - Top Gun
Minister of Education - Shadowking
Manager of the National Bank - Pato9

I know that there will be some disappointments as I received several messages of people applying for the same job. Sadly I can't put you all in for the same function. What I would advise tough, is that the Ministers don't keep the job for themselves. I would very much like to see the Ministers form some sort of 'group' of supporting people or even advisors, if you will. I'd especially suggest the Minister of Defense, Igor, to liase with the previous Minister. For our new minister of Foreign Affairs, Collins, I'd advise you too take on a couple of people to effectively manage and structurise all the events that will happen. In essence, any position can allow some people to help him with his administration. That way, the people that didn't make it trough the selection this time, can award themselves some experience which can lead to a more succesful application in the future.

To offer a clear view, I will now give a short description of the functions listed above.

Tánaiste - This is effectively the Vice President.

Minister for Newborn Citizens - Uaithne will be assisted by mac_talla, they will get all citizens to add them as friends, so they can monitor and nurture newborn citizens. They are also always available to offer advise.

Minister for Wellness - I have appointed JaMat to this position as he was very open to any position that still needed filling. His main focus will be educating people on how to manage their wellness, how their wellness benefits both them and the nation. It will focus on working appropriate jobs, eating appropriate food etc with the aim of delivering longterm sustained high wellness among the population. He will also liase with 5nk4yes, the Minister for Health to advise on the IHS Gifting Scheme.

Minister of Health - 5nk4yes will manage the IHS and co-ordinate the gifting scheme

Minister of Finance - Inquitus, being very experienced on the field of financial situations, has applied for this job and is indeed, the most fit candidate. This role does not need any further explanation.

Minister of Defense - Having received no application from the previous Minister, I saw it necessary to appoint the next motivated and enthusiast person. Igor who was very quick with his application has been awarded this function. However I would still like him to liase with other experts on this field in order to get our military as organised as possible.

Minister of Foreign Affairs - Since our previous Minister is no longer in Ireland I had to look for a replacement. Michael Collins, being a former President and loyal citizen has won the MoFA race. Many applications were made, but there's only 1 vacancy. It would be wise for the MoFA to appoint some people to assist him with all the 'paperwork'.

Minister of Immigration and Recruitment - This role is responsible for helping Ireland grow. Top Gun has held this ministry before and will do so again.

Minister of Education - Since our previous Minister left, I have appointed Shadowking as the new Minister. His application intrigued me and I look forward to seeing his new ideas.

Manager of the National Bank - Pato9 will take up this role, responsible for the distribution of Government funds, and running the 2 state owned businesses - Irish State Grain and Gifts.

That is all for now. I will update the Tánaiste ASAP. Again, Ministers, feel free to get some people to help you! If you are wondering who would want to assist you, PM me with that question and I will relay you to another person who applied for the job. Next will be a status report on all new recent events and an overview of things to come.

For Ireland!
