Ireland, What's Going On?

Day 568, 06:16 Published in USA USA by livingabroad

Hello fellow American citizens,

Most of you are aware of the every other day occurance, the attack on Rhode Island by Ireland. What does it accomplish? Well it makes Ireland stronger, and us too. Everyday the same story, we defend and secure it, Ireland loses. For us citizens living in Q5 hospital regions its a great time to gain some health as well!

But then, the same for Ireland.

Does this mean anything to you? Doesn't seem increasingly more like a collabaration between the U.S. and Ireland? Who knows, probably a week or so from now there will be a joint invasion of Britain between the U.S. and Ireland. In we'll go stomping in, taking everything in our way, and only few will remember the fact that we were enemies days ago.

Are they trying to scare us? Most assuredly no. Nobody in Rhode Island gives a damn with the help of the biggest nation and 14 allies. Perhaps we should just not fight, and see what happens when Rhode Island becomes Rhode Ireland. Irish isn't that hard to understand.

Let's wait and see!