Ireland, for your own damn good, I come with advice

Day 1,267, 09:26 Published in Ireland Ireland by John O'Melveny

Honestly, a lot of the time I like to see Ireland fail.

I like it even more when we're at war with them. But I can only despair as I see your President engage in what can only be described as the most incompetent warfare moves I have ever seen.

Allow me to elaborate:

This is the Natural Enemy proposal in the UK. Notice how it passes before Ireland's MPP proposals.

This is an Irish MPP proposal with the USA - Notice how it passes after the UK's NE proposal.

This is an Irish MPP proposal with Brazil - Notice how it passes after the UK's NE proposal.

Now, let me explain to you all (mainly to Jacques, as I know not all the Irish could possibly be this moronic). The UK has MPP's with these two countries.
When a country opens a battle with a country with the same MPPs, the aggressor loses the shared MPPs.

Essentially, the UK will attack Ireland before the MPPs pass. The MPPs will pass, and then Ireland will attack the UK.

Thus, to the incompetence of Jacques, these MPPs are lost. 20,000IEP (100 gold) down the drain, spent on absolutely nothing.

There are a few things that could save Jacques from this happening. Unfortunately, they all lie in the UK's power.

Jacques has made a terrible mistake. As I said, the only thing that could save him now is luck.

So, in summary:


PS - He's not only bad in the military. Former and well-received President Marcus Suridius has written an article entitled 'Double Standards and Inactive Ministers', lamenting the lack of competence in the current Irish administration.