Ireland and the Pax Britannica

Day 1,271, 07:10 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Sir Humphrey Appleby

Good afternoon eUK and our friends in the rest of the world!

As no doubt most of you already know; Britain is currently at war with Ireland. This was promulgated after several diplomatic incidents involving Ireland and the obligations of the government to finally recognise it and deal with them. For the last several months, we have seen relations between Ireland and the United Kingdom completely dwindle into a general troll war; yet, we were at one point the closest of friends!

Many, many erep module changes ago, the eUK and eIreland were very good friends; not dissimilar from old regulars at the pub. Relations reached their highest point at the signing of the Raleigh treaty, where we obligated ourselves to each other’s defence. When the time called for it, the eUK loaned a significant amount of gold (triple digits+) to the Irish treasury to help a severe crisis at the time. I was even made an honorary member of the Ireland’s Irish Unionist Party after I stopped by at one of their CP election debates 😛.

Irish Union Party seal

I remember the times where we used to hang out at each other’s events and act like oldfags; and we’d have the odd training war if the rest of the world was a bit stagnant. Northern Ireland and the rest of RL issues were dropped the moment we logged onto the game, so it’s a shame to see utterly pointless arguments that belong in RL brought into the equation here as well. A few years ago, your average Irishman accepted NI was an original region of the eUK. Now, it’s more along the lines of a holy war on all who claim such rubbish.

Things started getting sour when international politics got involved. The eUK joined PEACE (in the world!) GC; and Ireland moved more towards former Fortis powers in EDEN across the pond. It pretty much went downhill from there after Kara sent the Irish a rather cross message over the media spam raids that were going on at the time. After that, eUK/eIreland relations were pretty much grim & nemesis.

The following paragraph is an excerpt from the Anglo-Irish wiki page:-
‘The Anglo-Irish Conflict in eRepublik refers to ongoing diplomatic and armed conflicts between the Republic of Ireland and the United Kingdom which has its origins in the real Anglo-Irish conflicts, and the will of the Irish population to have a distinct purpose in the game. Its development in eRepublik was far from immediate, and was the result of an artificial movement from alliance to enemy. The conflict continues to this day, with relations continuing to worsen between the two countries, in sharp contrast with the past relationship.’

Bremen Clubhouse prank another Irish undergraduate

I suppose the point of this article is that both the eUK and eIreland are more than capable of working together or at least ignoring each other, if we both simply drop the petty arguments that are responsible for dividing our formerly great working relationship. The same applies to the BCH. Some of you on #Ireland will know me as ‘Vetinari’, I still like talking to the old properly Irish people that remember the old days and still have the same respect that was given then.

Now, I know I proposed the original NE – but this was done within my capacity as Speaker rather than an MP. I voted against it originally, but changed my vote in the next NE vote. I do admit that this Irish war has really put a tad more energy into the country, and from the looks of how well the UKSF and the rest of our armies/militias have been hitting; we’ll see much greater progress in the campaign. It is also wonderful to see so many allies help out as well, especially our friends in Lithuania who I had the pleasure of talking to earlier.

As much as I am enjoying this war though, please let it be one of the final ones with Ireland 😛.

Ultimately, this war will end very similarly to how all the others have. Ultimately, Ireland will call in somebody quite a bit bigger than ourselves and rent out half their regions to fund some sort of defence, and we’ll be back to square one. This is now the Third Anglo-Irish war; how many more will we be seeing in the future?

In other news, Kevy was appointed to the Treasury Committee!

Off to the Treasury Committee sub-forums.

Hope all is well, and that you're enjoying the campaign 😛.


Sir Humphrey Appleby MP DSO MID MBE
Speaker of the House of Commons