Iran (Oh the lulz)

Day 751, 05:26 Published in Australia New Zealand by Shauny B

Iran has basically declared war on our little country. This is because of our engaging of military operations in India, against them. We are involved because eIndia is a member of the SoL alliance, and requested our help. Dropbears and ACUK troops were deployed to help defend India (pictured).

So, Iran got pissy, and has decided that they shall crush us beneath their boots (or, whatever it is that they wear on their feet). This article can be found here:

Yet, one has to wonder, how? This completely incomprehensible threat cannot be carried out, as Iran's puppet masters, Indonesia (yes them again), block the way.

This noobish display of noobish-ness defies belief, and hopefully, our actions will speak louder than their "We shall not forget"s ever will.