Iran Impeaching President

Day 669, 14:02 Published in Canada New Zealand by SledDog

The Iranian Congress has put a motion up to impeach President Pejmaan. The motion was tabled approximately 10 minutes before the liberation of the Northwest Territories. Coincidence? I think not.

While I am not privy to the deliberations of the Iranian Congress, and our ambassador to Iran is singularly handicapped by not being able to read Farsi, I would imagine that the phrase "gross incompetence" is being used with great frequency. And from where I sit that phrase is more than justified.

Consider the timeline. Four days ago Iran was at peace with Canada and there was little prospect that Canada would be able to liberate Yukon and especially Northwest Territories with a resistance war.

Three days ago Iran declared war on Canada. In a declaration of war situation there is a 24 hour period after the declaration of war in which the country that has been declared war on (that would be us, Canada) cannot take offensive action against the country that declared war (Iran). As Canadians braced for an attack on Alberta - the most likely target because of the Q5 Hospital there - and worried about the prospect of a coordinated PEACE Offensive aimed at Florida and other EDEN countries... nothing happened.

Two days ago, literally within minutes of the 24 hour period running out Canada attacked Yukon. We all know what happened there. It was a hard brutal fight, but we won the day.

One day ago, after taking a brief time to savour the fruits of victory in Yukon we launched an attack on the last Iranian holding in North America. If Yukon had been a brutal fight, The Battle of the Northwest Territories was a struggle for the ages. Canada - with massive assistance from our EDEN allies - smashed the Iranian wall literally with seconds to go.

Today, the Iranian Empire in the Americas was consigned to the dust heap of history.

If the whole process outlined here doesn't scream of gross incompetence I don't know what does. Iran failed to defend Northwest Territories, failed to defend Yukon, failed to take advantage of the 24 hour rule to launch a blocking attack that would keep us from blocking Hungary which as far as anyone in OUR Congress could tell was the whole reason for starting this war in the first place. Those are better grounds for impeachment than signing a Non-Aggression Pact.