iPresident - Part 6

Day 683, 09:27 Published in Japan USA by Dokomo

It's time to double back and expand on the subjects listed in previous articles. I have heard that one of my votes in Congress ruffled some feathers, specifically voting to leave Sol. Let me lay out my reasoning for the citizens and we shall see what your thoughts are as well.

We all know that South Korea is under a political and economic Thoecratic apartheid. Our neighbor, whom we promised the safety and prosperity of, has been enslaved. Godzilla Party and I oppose the Theocracy's policies and have vowed to do whatever reasonable to change them.

However, we learned that the Theocrats, as part of their campaign for an unjust peace, applied to rejoin the Sol Wargames. Previously they were allowed in as an observer in Switzerland, a nice nation, far from Asia and of no threat to stability in the region. Now they want to join as an occupying force in an Asian nation while making threats towards Japan and danger to regional security.

Sol decided to allow a vote to admit the Theocrats, something that Japanese diplomats fought against at every turn. And then one day we were informed by the Malaysian Ambassador that a vote had been taken and an MPP was going through to let SK in. We had read the provisional treaty and some people had brought up the fact that it was not seconded by a nation. And from what we knew that lone nation sponsored the treaty and got it through Sol.

Congress discussed the ramifications of this for 2 days. And after those 2 days (the customary discussion time) a vote was called on whether to leave Sol or not. I voted yes, because I believe that Japan has a duty to honor South Korea by taking a stand against the Theocrats. As we cannot best them on the field of battle, I felt that we needed to take a stand diplomatically.

But a day later we learned from our representatives that only 3 of 8 Sol nations voted on the treaty, which was rushed through. Japan did not even get a chance to voice a no vote. Based on that information I would now change my vote to NO to leave Sol and to demand a FULL vote of the Alliance, while working to convince our allied nations of the righteousness of the cause. Where before I was convinced that Sol was united in support of Theocracy, it now appears that we have a chance to sway hearts and minds of the other 4 nations that did not vote, and thus as long as the chance exists we should remain with Sol.