iPresident: Part 5

Day 682, 15:08 Published in Japan USA by Dokomo

Today I will be answering questions sent in by email and IRC.

Will you bring us South Korean babies?

No, only if they are Theocrat babies.

Will you bring Great Justice to Nolan?

Only if he has no chance to survive will I let him make his time.

Do you plan to help FOH/CP/GP take over Japan?

A serious question! "Taking over" Japan is the furthest thing from my mind. Everything is concentrated on doing what is best for Japan. My cabinet consists of only 4 Godzilla Party members out of 12. And in the past two months Godzilla party has grown to new heights by bringing more people into it. We have South Koreans, Spanish immigrants, and Zeb; ex-President of Denmark among our number.

But I understand that most people view us as a secretive group. In reality though we are no more secret than any other political party. Most of the other Top5 parties have secret forums, with their nipponblog ones being very inactive. Godzilla members of course have free and open access to our materials. If you are a Godzilla party member and do not have access to our IRC or Forums, message me, we need your voices! Godzilla has added to it's roster anyone who wishes to work for the strength and future of Japan, and we will not deviate from that goal.

What would you do if Godzilla were rampaging through Tokyo?

First, I would find someone to yell "It's Godzilla!" while we get some women and children to run around aimlessly. Then we let him do his work. Rebuilding the Tokyo Tower is the #1 employer of Construction jobs in eJapan.

Will you appoint Chewbacca as Minister of Finance?

Of course not! I wouldn't want to make a finance wookie angry. Chewbacca can be in charge of tax collection however.

Who is endorsing you?

I have been endorsed as a candidate by Ember Firespiral, Metic, Chaotic1, and over 15 Congressmen. I have also talked with several PEACE officials who believe my administration would be good for both PEACE and eJapan, but do not wish to openly support a candidate.

There will be a Round Table Chat tomorrow on irc.coldfront.net #eJapanLive so tune in if you can.