iPresident - Part 4

Day 681, 13:51 Published in Japan USA by Dokomo

The big debate last month in Presidential elections was activity. In my last article, I proposed some minimum responsibilities for my government officers of maintaining contact with me and the populace through the media. This requirement will also pertain to myself as well. Activity and proper planning for events are the key in my opinion to running a successful government.

Let us take for instance the Resistance War that popped up today. So far we have only had the orders of the Vice President to go with. I know there has been some discussion internally of a stance, but time is slipping away. In my government, we will begin planning for eventualities such as this by opening threads in Cabinet forums to discuss and form emergency plans.

The President needs to be accessible as well. I am on IRC from the time when I get home from work to the time when I leave, and I leave IRC on while I sleep in case I miss anything. I am quick to respond to questions as most people can attest, and I am active in discussions. My presence on the forums is substantial, and I have made several policy recommendations in Congress.

My government as well shall be active in their communications. Ministers must have daily contact or give good reason for the lack of such. Secretaries must have contact with their Ministers or myself every 3-5 days or again with good reason. And lastly, I will uphold the rights of Congress to remove Ministers by a super majority vote, or Secretaries by a majority vote.

As President, my fondest wishes will be to work for the betterment of the nation. Those wanting to be involved will be welcomed, but your enthusiasm and ideas can carry us only so far. Governing is hard work, and those that put the work in will have earned something more valuable than any medal, they will leave a lasting mark on our great nation.