iPresident: Part 3

Day 680, 14:08 Published in Japan USA by Dokomo

So far I have heard one question asked a lot; "Who will be in your cabinet?". Well, I am ready to give you answers. The government today is taking on more duties, and with that there needs to be an expansion of officers with power and responsibility. All sectors of government will see new positions along with increased flow of information as part of the job. Please keep in mind that these are the people I want to see in these positions but I cannot guarantee their service at this time.

The Ministry of Defense will be led by 3 Cabinet level officers heading the Army, Navy, and Mobile Forces. KITA Ikki shall remain Minister of Defense and Army and Chaotic1 heading the Navy. I nominate Koppanyi Ferenc as General of the Mobile Division. His responsibilites will be ensuring that our mobile forces coordinate with PEACE, participate in domestic strategic planning, and ensure the supplies needed to sustain our forces in the field. All three offices will provide weekly summaries of weapons distribution and purchases as well as battle reports when they occur.

Finance will also be upgraded to a triumvirate consisting of Oligagnon as Minister of Finance, in charge of our nation's reserves and accounting. Vorph will take over as Minister of Trade and will regulate the money market. And Huang Chung will oversee government owned enterprises as Secretary of Industry which may include the Skill 0 companies. Oligagnon will submit budget data and all three will be asked to provide insights into the nation's sconomy for consumption of our business owners so that they might continue to prosper.

Reiji will continue to head Internal Affairs with his appointed staff of Ember Firespiral as Secretary of Culture. Reiji will also be in charge of organizing weekly updates for public consumption from the branches of government. Goku Jones will remain as Secretary of Health, and continuing to refine the eJapan wiki for the benefit of new players. Metic will keep working on the nascent Mentoring Program as Secretary of Knowledge.

In Foreign Affairs I am going to split the duties of Minister into three separate groups. Lauri Mursu has done excellent work organizing the Ambassador program and I want it to continue along the lines I outlined yesterday, or making the Ambassadors into a media and aid outlet for their host countries. I will ask Oraizan to head our delegation in PEACE with myself and KITA Ikki as representatives as well. With Orazian's thorough knowledge of PEACE officers along with direct decision making by the President and MoD I think we will be able to form a closer relationship with PEACE to help realize the goals of the PEACE charter. Finally, I will ask Metic to take over our relations with Sol nations. Whether we remain with Sol or not, I want a direct Diplomatic line to the nations around us that are our dearest allies.

The Ministers and Secretaries will also be encouraged to bring on new hires if needed. Weekly staff reports will be a requirement for any position however, so good communication skills will be key.

To summarize:

Vice Presidents: Walorm, Reiji Mitsurugi

Defense: KITA Ikki
Navy: Chaotic1
Mobile Forces: Koppanyi Ferenc

Finance: Oligagnon
Trade: Vorph
Industry: Huang Chung

Internal Affairs: Reiji Mitsurugi
Culture: Ember Firespiral
Health: Goku Jones
Education: Metic

Foreign Affairs: Lauri Mursu
Chief of Ambassadors: Lauri Mursu
PEACE Chief Delegate: Oraizan
Peace Delegates: Dokomo, KITA Ikki
Sol/Asia Chief Delegate: Metic
Sol Delegate: Dokomo, Dubster

Thank you and feel free to discuss these positions below.