iPresident: Part 2

Day 679, 14:41 Published in Japan USA by Dokomo

The counter point to our economic concerns is the changing situation in international relations for Japan. Since the beginning of etime, Japan has been isolated from the world stage, dabbling only in the Korean peninsula. Now our attention is focused outwards as the winds of war rage around us. While the events of the past month show that the Korean regions still affect Japan, we must also look for the solutions to these problems in other areas of the world.

My goals for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs include a huge expansion. I will be aggressively dividing and concentrating responsibility on the officer and ambassadors of the department. First among these new duties will be an increase in Ambassadorial communication to host nations. Awards will be offered to Ambassadors who show success and skill in the media sector. Also, representatives to PEACE will be active and, security concerns allowing, must communicate the benefits and responsibilities of the alliance to Japan.

Beyond these goals of greater information flow, we must also realize that Japan has a commitment to its' allies. For too long the Japanese military has stagnated but with the new vigor and expansion that it has shown it is time for Japan to take the field in defense of our friends abroad. I will propose that Japan split the cost of an MPP with any PEACE nation that wishes our aid in defense of their territory, and will commit our mobile forces to fighting in defensive actions as deemed necessary but our SecDef and PEACE. Bear in mind these actions will be defensive in orientation only and must ascribe to the Righteous Nation philosophy before we enter the battle.

As I mentioned above, the Korean peninsula has always had a fascination and importance for Japan. While at first our relations were hostile, they have grown by this point into a bond of mutual trust and allegiance, as close as any Brolliance in the world. We shall stand by her citizens where we can, and seek the righteous justice that they deserve.

However, we also must face reality at times. The Theocrats have an iron grip on South Korea at this point, and the harsh conditions they impose on any non-Theocratic citizen make the situation an affront to the Righteous Nation ideals. I vow to take responsible actions where possible in the political, economic, military, or media forums to remove or moderate the Theocrats to the point that our friends of South Korea can live in their regions in peace and prosperity.

Finally, let me say that to all nations of Asia, no matter what our differences on this matter, let it be known that Japan will stand with your governments through thick and thin. We are the frontier of the eWorld, a wild and woolly place where nations can come and go in weeks. We may disagree on some matters, but I can promise that we will never abandon a friend in need and will strive as much as humanly possible to help those who have helped us in the past. If ePhillipines ever needs trees, Dokomo will provide.

As always, please discuss the ideas above in the comments and feel free to ask questions.