
Day 713, 14:45 Published in Japan USA by Dokomo

I have several ideas I want to share with Japan for my Presidential term, if elected. As I have said before, my idea for government involves getting people specialized and involved. But to do that I feel we need to establish easy and efficient tools for people.

Thus my first idea is to establish government email addresses using Gmail. Each Minister and some Army officers would receive access to these accounts. From there they could link them to whatever phone of other communication method they wished. Thus, when emergencies occur, even though you might not be able to use the internet at the time (like myself at work) they can get an update on any developments and in an emergency, communicate with the rest of government.

As far as government programs go, I think also google can be of help here. Google docs allows you to create spreadsheets and restrict editing. For a long time we have had problems with battle logging on the forums in the military. We could however, set up a google doc to track this and have either each individual soldier edit it with permission or have their commanding officers do this by pulling battle information from Neat Battle Stats.

Which brings me to the third idea. It's all well and good for the President and Congress to put in a ton of effort to making this nation hum. We are paid in experience, gold, and job satisfaction. Our soldiers are paid in weapons. And on occasion we do hold contests to pay people. But we should also work on providing a stipend for other activities. If a government official writes informative and meaningful articles, they should be given a small amount of goods or jpy as payment. If someone puts together a program for the military to distribute orders faster, then they should be compensated for their efforts. There are many things that we can provide incentives for that will enrich the nation, and the side effect of bringing forth such effort encourages others to be more active in the nation as well. The details are not set, but I think it's something worth exploring.

I know there are events developing on Foreign Affairs as I type, so I will provide my views on them as soon as I grab more information.