IPA on my Mustache

Day 698, 11:19 Published in USA USA by Boot1221

While the eUSA holds fire, I will hold an India Pale Ale.
A sip here a gulp there, Hmmm.

A moment to ponder, as the beer finds it way through my veins,
eventually finding soggy, grey matter (my brain).

I am patiently building strength and skill,
but that doesn't preclude a swill.

Whoa, wow, too fast,
I have to lick the froth off my mustache.

I will fire Q1 weapons,
I will train and work as I watch my wellness ebb away.

Hoping tonight, there is a fight.

What to do but watch and wait,
read articles,
while echelons above God determine my fate.

Nearly helpless and low on money,
but I have an IPA so it all seems pretty funny.

Cheers eUSA