Iowa Re-election

Day 551, 16:07 Published in USA USA by Mattoze5

Hello fellow Iowans,

I am sorry that I am late coming with this article, but I have been very busy on eRep and in RL. I believe that this Congress has performed well, despite its many critics. I also believe that I have accurately represented the feelings of Iowa citizens. I have stayed true to the Conservative beliefs of lower VAT taxes and higher import taxes, less infrastructure spending, neutral relations, and greater democracy for the people. A couple of citizens were selected to answer a question on current issues. This allowed me to make a more accurate decision. So I thank those of you who answered for your opinion. I hope to remain here in Iowa as your congressman, for I believe that we still have some things to do for this eCountry. One new goal I hope to obtain in congress, is less congressional control and greater executive responsibility given to the president. I don't neccesarily mean just Scrabman, but every president that comes to office. We should not customize the duties for the man in charge, but rather the position itself.

Some of the specifics of the decisions I made:

I voted "no" on the Sweden Peace Treaty so that we would remain neutral in the matter between Germany and Sweden (and eventually/possibly aid Germany in the end, but it never got to that point)

I voted "yes" on every lower VAT tax bill, so that citizens could enjoy buying more goods with a lower consumer tax. 😉

I voted "yes" on every higher import tax bill so that eAmerican money could stay at home, while keeping exports higher than imports.

I believe that I have worked well with most congressmen, and I hope that come tomorrow, the 25th, you will make the right decision to remain patriotic and to continue the multipartisanship effort 😃 by voting Mattoze5

and don't forget: It is the person behind the keyboard who counts 😉

God Bless you,
God Bless Iowa,
and God Bless America