Iowa Congressional Election Platform

Day 398, 21:08 Published in USA Ireland by Kasius

Greetings, Iowans! I am Kasius Loren, and I am here to inform you of my intention to run for Congress as a member of the Workers' Party. It's going to be one hell of a ride, so let's get started.

I am currently a platoon commander in the National Guard, Second Division. I will say that I have not been here for long, but I will also say that I an individual who considers himself a fast learner. And I -have- learned quite a bit since I have arrived here. The first thing that I learned was that there are a lot of problems. So I took to thinking of ways to fix those problems, like just about everybody has done. The reason I am running for office is because I believe it is time for a completely new approach. And here is that approach:

War With PEACE

Frankly, it's a huge mistake. Overconfidence in our own strength and underestimation of PEACE's power has led to a war that while, successful for a very short while, has lost absolutely all of its gain. The American military can do amazing things, but the lack of planning for the war has prevented us from having access to the resources that we need to actually do those things. Waves of soldiers alone will not win the war. Those soldiers need weapons.

But despite the high cost of weapons right now, there is a way to provide weapons and, at the same time, create new jobs in a market that is literally dry of jobs for new citizens. The answer is a non-profit organization dedicated to creating weapons for eMerican soldiers. It will provide new jobs while providing weapons. It's a win-win situation.

In the end though, the war needs to be ended. It has no clear goal and no real justification. If fair peace terms cannot be achieved, then non-profit weapons production can help the process. But brute force is hardly ever the only viable option. Diplomacy needs to be exhausted.


As has already been discussed, the market is empty of jobs for new citizens. When citizens can't work, citizens can't eat. Companies are reluctant to hire new citizens, because frankly, they're an unreliable group of workers. It's a coin toss on whether or not they'll stay around for long. But a non-profit company run by the government can provide a mass of new jobs with good wages and at the same time create a more stable source of products in currently unstable markets. Weapons can be provided for soldiers who currently do not have them, and food can be made available for cheaper prices to new citizens who cannot always afford food.

Foreign Policy

Atlantis is a fantastic group of allies, but that's about where it should end. Atlantis is a pact of allies that just happened to work out, but we honestly probably went in too fast. Good relationships don't usually happen overnight. They have to be developed over time, and treaties can go along with them after complete trust is secured. The United States cannot afford to be forced into a war because of an alliance that was formed after just a couple weeks of friendly chat.

To accompany alliances, we need nonaggression pacts. War is too often seen as a completely valid option, when it shouldn't always be seen that way. War is a last resort that should be made available only after every other option has been exhausted. Nonaggression pacts act to make sure that good relationships don't end up dying at a moment's notice, and they increase the chance that diplomacy will be taken over outright war.


I cannot wait the election on the 25th. Like I said, this whole thing is going to be one hell of a ride, but it isn't going to even match the ride the entirety of the nation is taking right now. It's time for a new direction with new leadership, and I intend to do my absolute best to help make that a reality.

I look forward to your questions. You can comment on this article or send me a message personally. I'll answer as soon as I can, and hopefully, in a few days, I'll be answering all of your questions as a Congressman.

Happy holidays, and best of luck to you all!