Investigating the Economy… are you t’jellin?

Day 374, 12:08 Published in USA USA by Boss_Khamzi

The first company that I noticed upon joining Erepublik was not t’jelle it was the one I started working for, and they will remain nameless. But t’jelle was the first company that made me pay attention. This company, t’jelle published a paper describing the employee benefits that they offered. I looked at them with some interest as I was new to the game at the time.
But something went wrong along the way. A company apparently trying to find a niche with a “family” orientation but a global impact. They are now looking for finacial bailout from deeper pockets of private investors.
What went wrong…
First of all lets look at t’jelle’s Employee Benefit Program.

Employee Wellness Program:

If you have worked for more than 2 days and have a wellness under 50 you qualify to have gifts sent in order to boost your wellness. This is part of t'jelle's belief that no one should have to go with less than a 50 wellness, especially our employees...besides....were making gifts, it would be rude not to give you some.1
(Great program… if you’re a noob. Help to keep your Wellness up so you can use it to make more materials for your job. I like this for the employee … at first. Basically they will send you a Q1 gift for working… it doesn’t say how often no details are offered. So assuming they send you one a week this would give you an extra 2.21 USD for your salary. )

Employee Loan Program:

The loan program issues loans to allow all employees to purchase homes of their own. The interest rate is 3% and the maximum loan time is one month.1 Furthermore, this loan is for up to 300 USD.2
Again a seemingly great program. 3% interest… but only one month to pay it. Now mind you a Q1 home isn’t cheap. But this should cover you for a Q2 home.
Employee Hunger Program

A subdivision of the EWP, this program sends food to any employee who has run out. With our wages though, this would never happen:

Skill 0 Workers: 1.55 USD
Skill 1: 2.75 USD
Skill 2: 3.75 USD

Salaries can be negotiated, and if you have a higher skill than 2, just contact AidenAstrup. Salaries are always boosted when employees reach a new level1

(Wow… low salaries. So these benefits that you maybe be able to receive or qualify for are hurting your bottom line and why? Increased Wellness = Increased Productivity = Cash. So basically your in the lobby doing pilates and tai’ chi during your lunch hour so t’jelle can harvest some USD from your hard work.)

t'jelle has just bought a diamonds company, allowing cheaper resources for t’jelle: GIFTS. The diamond company was changed to “t’jelle: Diamonds”. A few changes were made to the company:

1. The name
2. The company logo was changed to a simpler photo
3. A mass layoff of anyone who had not worked in 2 days, or whose skill was below 1. This was because the company was beyond max productivity.
4. The location may be changed soon to a more productive area.
5. All employees now fall under t’jelle control and as such are qualified for t’jelle Employee Benefits.

All employees have been contacted, if they have any questions they may contact AidenAstrup or the t'jelle Corporation.3

(OK, this is typical corporate raider stuff. Buy company, fire everyone not productive enough for the new bosses, then hire new lower paid people. Offer them Employee Benefits that sound better than they actually are…)

(Now the day after they bought the new diamond mines they posted this…)

Rough times are ahead. Due to several new and inexperienced companies being created, the Human Resources market has become flooded with outrageous wages such as 6 USD for a Skill 0 worker. As such, the more reasonable offers are lost underneath the sea of companies bound to fail within weeks. Many of t'jelle's workers have left either to fight in war, or pursue these false claims. Productivity has hit an all time low in t'jelle: GIFTS with only 2 workers. I urge you, join an honest company that provides wonderful benefits in lieu of ridiculous wages that will sink the community. Join t'jelle.4

(Sounds like someone missed the boat! If you cut skilled labor and immediately look for more employees… no one will come work for you. Then your also putting the writing on the wall for the gift employees, you don’t have the resources available, and your cutting skilled labor to boot! Maybe you are under paying! Pretty simple solution since your going to pass this increase on to your customers anyways. I understand that cutting costs is the simplest way to increase your bottom line, that doesn’t always make it right…)

We at t'jelle have been at the office this entire week to the wee hours of the morning, some employees choosing to sleep in their office. Our Administration dept. has been contacting citizens of Australia, reading articles about upcoming countries, and watching the market in new countries like an eagle. As such, the investment choices of t'jelle are changing dramatically. Here are the choices:

1. Sell t'jelle: Diamonds under the name Diamonds Co. for 19 Gold in order to use this money for further investments
2. Buy a Market License today, to Australia and sell gifts there with the Gold already in our hands.
3. With the money from the Diamonds Co sellout, purchase a food company and export to Australia.
4. On Saturday, with RL investment, prepare for further countries entering the world with empty markets.

We hope this will help the countries in need and boost t'jelle's finances which are suffering due to the investments to start t'jelle: GIFTS.4

Simply wow… we can’t make up our minds… Now I don’t know about you, but this should be of great concern for the t’jelle employee. One day they are buying, then they not only realize the company they are buying is not worth the Gold, but it is also not capable of furthering the corporate needs… PROFIT. Now don’t think I am some socialist pinko… companies are here to make money and profits. But they need to be responsible to the employees. Here are Diamond employees who have had their company bought, co-workers fired, benefits added, wages adjusted, now they are being sold! And at cost… t’jelle realizes how badly they erred and now want out. They are going into the pockets of investors hoping to turn this around… Why throw good money after bad?
Until the recent expansion t’jelle appears to have been a solid steadily performer offering profits every step of the way. Now… their future is in jeopardy! Employees of t’jelle, either help your company profit, or be ready to find another job. The recent practices of t’jelle make continued employement a daring prospect at best.