Invasion Series [Day 1,200]: Lack of Plurals?

Day 1,200, 15:40 Published in USA USA by Syrup

Here's some music for you. Not relevant to the article this time. Sorry.
-Courtesy of MGMT

I made a map key this time around so I can use easily recognizable symbols. Here you go:

United States Front

Yesterday, Indonesia automatically attacked the United States (since we are their Natural Enemy). Neither side wholeheartedly tried to win the battle, with the United States winning 7-0.

On a more domestic front, select members of the Turkish group, INCI, have decided to attempt to PTO the United States. The member in question is captain33, proposing laws to both steal from the USA Treasury, and an unwarranted Natural Enemy law with Brazil (our ally). However, it is important to note that not all INCI members want to cooperate with this PTO, and wish to serve America's greater interests.

Croatian Front

Serbia attacked Central Croatia, which contains 2367 Croatian citizens, as well as being the doorway to the rest of Croatia. However, Croatia easily fended off the attack, winning 6-0 at the time of writing this article. Most likely, both alliances were focusing on the Romania-Hungarian battle.

Romanian Front

The most important battle today was Romania attacking the Southern Great Plain, Hungary. The Southern Great Plains are the bordering region to Central Hungary, the capitol and fortress of Hungary. If Central Hungary is taken, the rest of Hungary will quickly become wiped, causing international edge to swing in our greatly in our direction.

The actual name of the region in question is "Southern Great Plain", I'm uncertain if this is a translation issue, but doesn't the word "Plains" change meaning in when not plural, or can you have a singular plain? At the time of writing, the battle is 6-7, Hungary's favor, with both sides tanking heavily. Only time will tell who wins.

A Question

Alright, these articles take me roughly 2 hours each to do, between photo editing, research, and the general write-up. As such, I want to make sure that I'm spending my time constructively (as if writing a paper for an online game is a constructive use of time). So, I decided it would be best to ask you, the reader, what you want this paper to be.

Would you rather have:

- The current set-up, small pictures, with small explanations for each.

- One massive picture, showing the movements of armies around the globe on a world scale, with a few paragraphs explanation below.

- A multi-purpose paper designed to give the day-to-day occurrences, so that you can quickly get an overview of daily events. They would contain roughly a 1-2 paragraph section each on: political, media, and military occurrences, once a week for global occurrences, and the other two pertaining only to the USA.

Feel free to give your opinions below in the comments section. Thanks for your time.