Invasion of North America. Part Two.

Day 812, 11:13 Published in Latvia Lithuania by 1shakalas1

Invasion of North America. Part Two.

Lithuanian version below.


Here comes second part of articles about PEACE GC invasion to North America. You can read first article here. In first part I was talking about France and Canada, this time I will talk about…

Russian invasion of North America.

On July 14th, day after the French attack on Nova Scotia, Russia began it's invasion of the United States of America with an attack on Alaska, possible because of an open war dating back several months from the USA-Russia War, and was backed up by a plethora of activated alliances. The attack failed though, meaning Russia would have to wait 24 hours before it could launch another attack. When the Russians attacked again on the 16th they were successful, and Russia immediately attacked Washington, which was also occupied by Russian forces.

When Russia attacked Idaho, the USA retreated. And at the same time when Canada had retreated Manitoba which was being attacked by France. The United States attacked French occupied Manitoba, while Canada attack Russian occupied Alaska and Washington. Using their own tactic against them, Russia retreated the battles in Alaska and Washington (while France retreated the attack in Manitoba). With regained initiative, Russia attacked several US states at once to stop the US from using the same ploy again. Russia conquered Nevada, Oregon, Utah, Montana, Wyoming and North Dakota, though an attack on Canadian controlled Alaska failed. USA was fighting for Canada, which had a few regions in them control, so a lot of USA territories was conquered by Russia.

Russia stopped attacks when North Korea and Norway attacked Far Eastern Russia and Northern Russia. USA retake Utah, Oregon, Nevada, Wyoming and Idaho from Russia. On July 26th, 2009, Indonesia attacked Hawaii, once more giving Russia the initiative of the war. The USA was now in big trouble. All of North Korea was being conquered by Russia, denying them the ability to block Russia, and the US was now fighting on three fronts (Russia launching attacks into the Midwest and outwards, Indonesia attacking the West coast and Portugal now attacking the East coast.) By the end of the first month of the war, Russia controlled Montana, Utah, Oregon, Nevada, North Dakota, South Dakota, Colorado, Minnesota and Kansas, which had had a Q5 defense system, Q5 hospital and high population.

Due to the multiple fronts, it was impossible for the United States to attack and it was forced to defend. In the war with Russia, the US had moderate successes in securing regions against Russia, though for every region defended another one fell. The month of August saw Russia conquer Nebraska, Wyoming, Iowa, Michigan, Missouri, Indiana, Illinois, Ohio, Pennsylvania, New York, Vermont, Connecticut, Rhode Island, New Jersey (the second biggest state at the time), New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Maine and Oklahoma.

Russia and it PEACE allies was controlling all America states except Florida. Florida, had a Q5 DS and a Q5 Hospital and population more than 10,000, If it would be attacked it would be a biggest fight history. The complete and total destruction of the US wasn't in PEACE's strategic interests, as it would erase their active wars with the US and allow the Americans to just get their regions back one by one, just like what was happening in Canada and Spain. Plus they could allow the Americans to rot in Florida, their economy utterly destroyed. They would need to sign a Non-Aggression Pact with the US on their terms though stating that the US could not attack them and would have to pay hefty amounts of gold for the return of their regions. This idea was agreed upon by all party nations, except Russia, who desired complete domination of the United States.

The ensuing split between PEACE nations that saw Indonesia sign an independent peace treaty with the USA proved to be fatal to them though, as America now had initiative in the war and unleashed an onslaught on Indonesia and Portugal occupied states. Russia rushed to attack the newly freed American regions in order to block the attacks on Indonesia and Portugal, though due to a bug known as the 'Self Attack Bug' that messed with the war system, the admins suspended the war between the two countries. After the bug was sorted out, Russia had no opportunity to attack the US. Canada, which had freed a majority of it's provinces, was now using 'blocking attacks' to deny Russia the option of attacking. The war now appeared to be in the favor of America, despite Russian efforts to free American states bordering Canadian provinces to escape the blocking attacks. Russia was forced to sit back and watch as Indonesia was pushed farther and farther west ward until September 6th it had been pushed out of America all together. Portugal had also signed an independent peace treaty with the US and had returned all of it's occupied regions to the US.

Immediately after the defeat of Indonesia, the US unleashed wave upon wave of attacks upon Russia. Even the efforts of the relatively small country of Colombia to block the US from attacking failed, as the US would retreat the regions under attack from Colombia and press on with more attacked on Russian occupied states. On September 10th it was do or die for Russia, as all of their remaining Americans territories were under attack at once. Tanking operations in New Jersey squeaked our a win for Russia, and they were allowed to once more go on the offensive, forcing the USA to deal with a double pronged attack from both Russia and Colombia.

Signs pointed to a major PEACE offensive at that point. The Russian President had declared his intent to take Florida, which would cost over 2,000 gold just to attack, not to mention the serious tanking that would need to be done by PEACE in order to take down the 1,000,000 wall. PEACE was preparing operations else where as well against Canada, Croatia and Greece. The plans fell apart though when Colombia failed to attack the US state of Nebraska. At the same time, Norway, in cahoots with Sweden and Finland, attacked Northern Russia, blocking them from attacking the US. America had the initiative once more in the war versus Russia, and this time it was permanent. Attempts by France to use blocking attacks against the US were only retreated, and were quickly stopped as France would soon have a border with Canada who in turn could block attack France.

Russia was pulled out of North America, they didn’t get Florida, but they showed what they can, Russia now don’t have plans to get Florida, but one day Florida will be under Russia control.

That’s all, vote and subscribe, for next articles, thanks for reading.



Sveiki mieli skaitytojai, štai ir antroji dalis apie PEACE invaziją į Šiaurės Ameriką. Pirmąjį straipsnį galite perskaityti čia. Tikiuosi, kad jums patiks.

Rusijos invazija į Šiaurės Ameriką.

Liepos keturioliktą dieną, diena po Prancūzų pirmos atakos, Rusija pradėjo savo invaziją į Šiaurės Ameriką atakuodami Aliaską. Ataka deja nepavyko, o tai reiškia, kad Rusija parą negalės atakuoti Amerikos. Kai Rusija atakavo vėl, ši ataka pavyko ir Rusija atakavo Vašingtoną kuris kaip pat buvo okupuotas.

Kai Rusija atakavo Idaho, Amerika pasitraukė. Tuo pačio metu, Kanada pasitraukė iš Manitoba mūšio ir Kanada atavajo Rusijos okupuotus regionus, o JAV atakavo Prancūzijos okupuotus regionus. Rusija ir Prancūzija pasinaudojo priešų taktika ir pasitraukė iš mūšių taip pat. Rusija, pradėjo puolima į daugumą regionų ir po kelių dienų savo kontrolėje turėjo Nevada, Oregon, Utah, Montana, Wyoming ir North Dakota. JAV kadangi Kanadai buvo likę keli regionai, gelbėjo Kanadą iš pilnos okupacijos. O tuo metu Rusija tęsė savo darbą Jungtinėse Amerikos Valstybėse.

Rusija trumpam nutraukė atakas kai Šiaurės Korėja ir Norvegija atakavo jų orginalius regionus. Tuo metu JAV atsiėmė Utah, Oregon, Nevada, Wyoming ir Idaho iš Rusijos. Liepos 26, Indonezija atakavo Havajų salą, duodama Rusijai laiko atsigauti kare. Amerika buvo didelėje bėdoje, Š. Korėja buvo okupuota Rusijos ir niekas jų neblokavo. JAV dabar kariavo trim frontais, prieš Rusiją, Indoneziją ir Portugaliją. Po pirmo mėnesio karo Rusija kontroliavo Montana, Utah, Oregon, Nevada, North Dakota, South Dakota, Colorado, Minnesota ir Kansas kuris turėjo ligoninę ir gynybos sistemą.

Dėl atakavimo kelias frontais Amerika greit prarado dar daugiau savo regionų, rugpjūtį savo globoje Rusija turėjo Nebraska, Wyoming, Iowa, Michigan, Missouri, Indiana, Illinois, Ohio, Pennsylvania, New York, Vermont, Connecticut, Rhode Island, New Jersey, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Maine ir Oklahoma.

Rusija su sąjunginkais kontroliavo visą Ameriką išskyrus Floridą, didžiausią ir sunkiausiai paimamą Amerikiečių tvirtovę, net jei ir ji būtų buvus atakuojama, didelis šancas, kad nebūtų pavykę numušti tokią sieną, jei dar amerikiečiai priešintųsi. Beto amerikos ištrynimas iš žemėlapio nebuvo PEACE tikslas. Taigi Indonezija pasirašė taiką su Amerika ir pradėjo atidavinėti regionus, taip pat padarė ir Portugalija. Tuo metu egzistavo bug vadinamas ‘Self Attack Bug’ kuris susipainiojo su karo sistema ir karas tarp šių valstybių buvo panaikintas, o Rusija buvo atakuojama visuose Amerikos regionuose, jiems pavyko išsaugoti tik vieną.

Rusijos prezidentas pareiškė norą kontroliuoti Floridą, bet PEACE buvo per daug užimti karuose prieš Kroatiją, Graikiją, Kanadą, kad apsiimtų tokio didumo operaciją, kuri neaišku ar būtų pavykus. Skandinavijos šalys nukreipė Rusijos dėmesį atakuodamos Rusijos regionus, o Amerika išmetė Rusiją iš savo žemių ilgam laikui.

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