Introductory Article

Day 1,150, 07:05 Published in India India by omegagamer

Hi there people,
Omegagamer here, been around for a while but never got enough motivation to publish my own newspaper so definitely looking to try something to persuade me from 2-clicking my e-life away and if i get good feedback i might even publish regular articles, So anyways publishing my first article [in my own newspaper that is 😛] here it goes :

So this newspaper will be about just general chitchat, ramblings, sometimes even degrading to the level of non-sense but hopefully active enough to get some comments and subscribes here and there.

Of course, the eindian media is full of great writers all of 'em publishing serious material and i said well the only thing that's missing is some newspaper who doesn't take itself seriously. So here i am to fill up that role although not entirely (you can't never get enuff of such articles 😛 ).

Hoping to see some positive comments and constructive criticism. But nevertheless i don't have control over comments so it all depends on the peoples mood really. Anyways enough talking for today, over to you all now, be nice and uhmm... Peace 🙂
