Introduction to the Greek people

Day 1,508, 15:55 Published in Greece Cyprus by Louise de Vivepierre

Good morning everyone, eGreek friends.
This is our first article, intended to introduce ourselves to your country.
We are Feliks, ABBODAVI and Tomas Franceschin, the new representatives of eItalian country in eGreece. We would like to present you the new project of the eItalian government:
Diplomatic Units.

Diplomatic Units are based on the old embassies but have a wider range of action and interests.
Our wish (and purpose) is to strengthen the alliance and friendship between our two countries.; the ways we planned to reach our goals can be summarized in three points:

- Active cooperation between eGreek and eItalian governments, in order to extend the information about our countries.

- Create (or extend) a network of citizens who want to know more about the international situation and meet new people in other countries.

- Meet new people just to improve our fun and to make new friends (actually, eRepublik is a social game)
The reasons for choosing eGreece to start with our first Diplomatic Unit are mainly based on our cultural similarities, which can help us better to understand your point of view, and on the durable friendship between our countries.

In addition, you are a strong nation in EDEN and you border several nations belonging to ONE, so you have a more precise overview of the international situation.
We consider too little the time we dedicated in past to international diplomacy, so now we are determined to start again an active cooperation with eGreece, not only a war cooperation, but also a cultural and social one.

Hoping that we will receive and enthusiastic welcome from you, such as the one we received from your government, we want to wish you goodbye and we hope to meet you soon.

Hail eGreece! Hail eItaly! Hail EDEN!

The eItalian Representatives
Feliks, ABBODAVI and Tomas Franceschin

The Italian Country President
Imperatore Augusto

The Italian MoFA