Introduction to Production.

Day 4,219, 18:06 Published in United Kingdom Greece by ShaggyShaw
New eyes, Old World

The man behind the words
Hello eUK, i'm a new player picking things up as i go whilst
getting the occasional pointer. This world is interesting
so i intend on sticking around.. Who knows, maybe even
be here long enough to see the eUK rise?

The main goal
My main goal here (with the newspaper) is to create an
informative/social platform for newer players where they
can eventually cherry pick whats relevant to them.

Like others, the newspaper will rely on support. That
doesn't specifically mean by endorsements, but by readership
and opinions. Please feel free to share your ideas on what
you want to know, or simply share some knowledge. Get quoted
and recieve payment for your tips.
(subject to publication)

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