Introducing the Swiss Nationalist front

Day 732, 17:51 Published in Switzerland Pakistan by Katharos45">
I’d Like to announce a new party in Switzerland. After Billy bob Joe resigned as Party President, I have taken the Swiss liberty party, and renamed it the Swiss Nationalist Front. Here is our Stance on what we feel should be changed or improved in Switzerland.

Stance on economy

We feel that economy is slowly repairing itself, and that further changes to taxes are not needed. However, we do want a ministry of offshore Economics set up(we owe this idea to cathair cathal), and operate in a country such as the UK. The thing about the UK is that it is a large country, so it has lots of workers, but it has a poor economy and poor wages, so it is easy to make money there. As well, it has high grain, which is perfect for our Fledging food companies. As well, we can go to a High oil nation with a bad economy, and set up companies there. The Ministry would be on a budget, and a limit to how many companies it would make, but it would help Switzerland by giving the raw materials we need to make our goods.

Stance on alliances

EDEN has served us well, and we feel that there is no need to leave. EDEN provides us with free training wars, and EDEN gave a Q5 hospital, Graubünden, and protection. We feel that there is no need to leave EDEN. PEACE is crumbling, Hungary has shown it’s true colours, and Neutrality will get us no where. As for MPPs, if we need to sign them in the future, which I doubt we will, I would sign with Croatia, Romania, or Poland. However, I do not think we will get attacked in the near future.

Stance on Health

We feel that Switzerland has enough hospitals for the moment. If we had to put a Q5 hospital anywhere, it would be in Deutschschweiz. In the event of a Swiss baby boom, we would push to place a hospital here. Countries usually prepare for baby booms by putting hospitals in their most populated regions in real life. With Romandie already having a Q5, Deutschschweiz would be the perfect place for a Q5 hospital, and would enhance the survival rate of Babies. However, with our current population, a Q5 would be a waste of money.

Stance on Politics

We feel that the amount of parties in Switzerland is already too much, and that it split’s the population. However, we enjoy the Competition that other parties give us. About Congress, we encourage all of our congressmen to donate their 5 gold to the National Swiss bank. We will try to discourage and kick out medal hunters from the party. We hope for clean and fair elections. As for support, I will officially endorse Eleriel for president. Until we get more members, I feel this is the best route for us, an I will not pick random people to be the Candidates. If I do, It will be experienced, well-known, active people.

Thank you for your time, and I hope that you join the Swiss Nationalist Front.