Introducing the eGerman Ambassador!

Day 716, 08:41 Published in Ireland Cuba by Harrilal

eGermany's newest ambassador to eIreland (Mr. Niemand) has borrowed my newspaper to reach out to the eIrish today. So the first section of today's article is his message to you/us!

Good evening Ireland,
first I will introduce myself.
My name is Mr. Niemand and I'm the new eGerman ambassador to Ireland.
The old embassy wasn't very active, this must be amended!
You can ask me questions in your IRCchannel. I will be under the name (Christian|Niemand) or can you write me an in game message to my organisation
In the future I'll try to learn more about your country and improve the relations between Ireland and Germany.
Also I wish your candidates good luck for the presidential elections.
Topic in your forum will follow.
Kind regards,
Mr. Niemand.

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I would like to be one of the first to welcome Mr. Niemand to eIreland! I sincerely hope that you enjoy your time talking with us and learning about the country.
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Since this was a favour to Mr. Niemand, I do not actually have a proper article prepared. However, there were indeed 5 questions in the last article's comments. So, I will answer those in hopes of filling out the article a bit more. Also, thank you all who asked questions so that this segment could continue!

Dan Murchadh asks, "Are you going to be in Ireland for the election? If so who are going to vote for?"
I won't be in eIreland, but as I am still an eIrish citizen, I still have my right to vote. I may seem like a wagon jumper here, but Patton is a proven leader. He has led eIreland forward in his terms prior and I don't see him mucking around much (if at all). I would have been all for letting someone new into office, but since it will be his last term for quite some time, someone new WILL be stepping in next month no matter what. In the end, I didn't see why I should break a winning formula. I voted for Patton (though after reading the various manifestos and campaign platforms, it was a very tough choice).

Rhett Butler asks, "What is your favorite book?"
My favourite book is an old folklore compendium from Trinidad and Tobago called "Folklore of Trinidad and Tobago" (go figure!). I am a bit of a cultural traditionalist and very much intend to carry down all those stories to my children so that they know them as I do. Among those characters are the Midnight Robber and La Diablesse, both of whom have made appearances in my articles.
My favourite mainstream novel would be the Silmarillion from Tolkien's legendarium. It's a hell of a tough read, but it's so interesting that I don't mind turning back the pages to double check I'm reading it properly. I've read it about 10 times now.

orangejuicemmm asks, "Which is better eIreland or eGreece 😛"
That's quite the unfair question to eGreece. I've only been here one day. Though I suspect that due to my friends in eIreland and my loyalty to it, nowhere could beat eIreland. Not to say other countries aren't good. It's just that my closest eFriends are there and no one wants to give up their friends.

Edana Savage asks, "What do find so intriguing about the female form and mind? 😉 "
I could probably write an entire article on this, Edana! I will keep it short however.
First, there is the obvious physical attraction. Women are ridiculously good looking to me. There's very little in the world that could look as good as a woman (to me). I'll admit it. It's the legs. I don't know why. Some people like eyes, others like their chest, some like the bum... for me, it's the legs. I will have to stop on the physical now or I may well get banned for vulgarity.

A woman's mind is even more beautiful. A strong willed woman is probably the sexiest thing ever. For instance, you have the woman who manages to raise her children right while being a lawyer or doctor or secretary full-time. Or the woman who will stand up for what's right or protest in non-violent ways (think Rosa Parks or Aung San Suu Kyi). Or those who love unconditionally, despite a person's faults (while not being a doormat, of course). Those who can have a proper conversation and/or intelligent debates.

Of course, there's also the fantasy element. Again, if I go into detail here, I will be banned more than likely. However, let's just say that I very much enjoy relinquishing any dominance or control I have to a strong woman. Yes, I am a sexist against my own kind. I actually do think women are superior. And then there's the X factor. That unexplained "why?". Why do I feel this way? Why do I find them so attractive and so intriguing? I know some of the basics, but a lot of it is subconscious. I'm certain of it and THOSE explanations I can't say because even I don't know/understand.

All this and much much more, Edana, are why I find women intriguing.

Pip Kelly asks, "How much was your whistle?"
My eWhistle is an internet manifestation of a real whistle given to me by my Midnight Robber mentor. I used to have a cheap plastic whistle that was a few TT dollars, but when I was "ready" to truly take on a Robber personality of my own, he gave me a proper stainless steel whistle. So while it was free in terms of monetary value, it cost me a few years of shadowing and mimicking more established Robbers.

Time to wrap up.
To all my eIrish brothers and sisters, please take a moment to welcome Mr. Niemand!
As usual, the first 5 questions from the comments in this article will be answered in the next one. Stay tuned and thank you for reading!

Together we aspire! Together we achieve!